Evaluating or selecting a suitable information system development methodology : a case study

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dc.contributor.author De Vries, Marne
dc.date.accessioned 2008-09-02T07:36:41Z
dc.date.available 2008-09-02T07:36:41Z
dc.date.issued 2004-11
dc.description.abstract Information system development methodologies have been applied by numerous organisations since the mid-1980s in an attempt to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of designing and developing new information systems. Despite advances in methodologies, tools and techniques, productivity is still low. High quality products are seldom produced and at high cost. The advantages and disadvantages of using a methodological approach is discussed. The author identifies the key drivers for applying an information system development methodology successfully and provides a method for selecting or evaluating a methodology tailored to an organisation’s unique set of organisational, cultural and environmental variables. The framework has been applied to Waymark Infotech, a South African information technology organisation. en
dc.description.abstract Ontwikkelingsmetodologieë vir inligtingstelsels word sedert die middel van die 1980’s deur vele organisasies aangewend in hul poging om die effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid van die ontwikkelingsproses van inligtingstelsels te verbeter. Ten spyte daarvan dat vooruitgang en ontwikkeling plaasgevind het ten opsigte van metodologieë, hulpmiddels en tegnieke, is produktiwiteit steeds laag. Duur en lae-gehalte inligtingstelselprodukte word gelewer. Die voor- en nadele van ‘n metodologiese benadering word beredeneer. Die outeur identifiseer die kernaspekte nodig vir die suksesvolle aanwending van ‘n ontwikkelingsmetodologie vir inligtingstelsels. ‘n Metode word aangebied aan die hand waarvan ’n bepaalde metodologie gekies of ontwikkel kan word. Die metode neem verskeie veranderlikes (organisatories, kultureel en omgewingsverwant) in ag. af
dc.format.extent 134876 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation De Vries, M 2004, 'Evaluating or selecting a suitable information system development methodology : a case study', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 9-25. [http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_indeng.html] en
dc.identifier.issn 1012-277X
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/6836
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.rights Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en
dc.subject Information system (IS) en
dc.subject Information system methodology en
dc.subject Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) en
dc.subject Systems design en
dc.subject.lcsh Information storage and retrieval systems -- Methodology
dc.title Evaluating or selecting a suitable information system development methodology : a case study en
dc.type Article en

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