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Spirituele vorming om ’n missionale karakter in gemeentes in die praktyk te bewerkstellig
Pretorius, Philippus C.; Niemandt, Cornelius Johannes Petrus (Nelus)
This study applied literature review to focus on missional ecclesiology and, more
specifically, on the important role and impact of spirituality in supporting a missional
church. Although the research originated in reformed churches in South Africa, the
reflection on the relation between the concept of missional church and a Christian
spirituality, and the practical examples that illustrate such a missional spirituality, transcend
the context and is applicable to most contexts. The conclusion of the research affirmed a
Trinitarian approach to spirituality and the indispensable place of a missional spirituality
for Christian congregations. A life in the Trinity forms and informs everyday life. It
encourages disciples of Christ to participate in God’s mission. There is no difference
between Christian spirituality and missional spirituality. One of the key findings was the
important role of habits: believers should change their habits in their everyday life in order
to change their thoughts, and not the other way around. Practical examples of habits are as
follows: systematic reading of God’s Word; to see what God sees; kenosis shown through
hospitality; faith discernment with other believers; associating the everyday normalities as
spiritual; finding rest in God; and eating together.
perspective of mission studies. The contextual challenge was to emphasise the importance of
habits in Christian spirituality, and the reciprocal relationship between spirituality and being a
missional church. This article has challenged the culture of church-organised mission projects.
P.C.P het die meerderheid van die navorsing gedoen
as deel vir die MTh in Teologie in die Departement van
Religiestudies. C.J.N. was toesighouer en het bygedra tot die
ontwerp van die navorsing, gedeeltes van die finale kopie
geskryf en het redigering en voorbereiding van die finale
kopie gedoen.