Socio-economic factors influencing land-use and land-cover changes in the miombo woodlands of the Copperbelt province in Zambia

Show simple item record Handavu, Ferdinand Chirwa, Paxie W. Syampungani, Stephen 2018-12-12T08:38:13Z 2019-03
dc.description.abstract This study examined socio-economic factors that influence land-use and land-cover dynamics in the Copperbelt miombo woodlands of Zambia. Data were collected through household surveys and focus group discussions. All households that have lived in the area for 5 years and above were considered eligible to participate in the survey. A total of 372 households and 30 discussants within a 5-km buffer zone of the forest reserves were selected for interview. Pearson's Chi-square tests were used to test association between independent variables (gender, age, education, wealth status, and household size) and use of forest products. Furthermore, binary logistic regression models were developed to examine determinants of forest products use and land-use and land-cover change. The chi-square results revealed a strong association among the following; charcoal production with gender, age and wealth; use of construction poles with household size; firewood collection with wealth; wild fruits collection with gender and household size; caterpillar collection with education; honey harvesting with gender and wealth; wild vegetable collection and use with education; use of thatching grass with wealth and household size; livestock fodder use with wealth and level of education; collection and use of bush meat with age and residence status; collection of material for brooms with age and wealth respectively. The logistic regression model results revealed that charcoal, construction poles, wild fruits and animal fodder were statistically significant at 1% level while, honey, thatching grass and bush meat were significant at 5%. Gender, age, education, wealth status, household size and residence status were significant determinants in the use of various forest products. Furthermore, the regression model showed that agriculture expansion (p < .031) and population growth (p < .032) were significant determinants of changes in forest cover. The study concludes that there is high level of dependence on forest products by local communities and hence any attempts to avert deforestation should consider addressing social and economic problems faced by local communities. We further conclude that development of sustainable forest management policies and strategies that provide for inclusion of local ecological knowledge and various utilization practices such as charcoal production into sustainable forest management. en_ZA
dc.description.department Plant Production and Soil Science en_ZA
dc.description.embargo 2020-03-01
dc.description.librarian hj2018 en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship The African Forest Forum, South African Forestry Company Limited (SAFCOL) and the University of Pretoria for funding the first author. The National Science and Technology Council, through Zambia-Mozambique bilateral Agreement has also funded fieldwork. en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Handavu, F., Chirwa, P.W.C. & Syampungani, S. 2019, 'Socio-economic factors influencing land-use and land-cover changes in the miombo woodlands of the Copperbelt province in Zambia', Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 100, pp. 75-94. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1389-9341 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1872-7050 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1016/j.forpol.2018.10.010
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Elsevier en_ZA
dc.rights © 2018 Elsevier. All rights reserved. Notice : this is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Forest Policy and Economics. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. A definitive version was subsequently published in Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 100, pp. 75-94, 2019. doi : 10.1016/j.forpol.2018.10.010. en_ZA
dc.subject Deforestation en_ZA
dc.subject Socio-economic factor en_ZA
dc.subject Land use en_ZA
dc.subject Land cover en_ZA
dc.subject Charcoal en_ZA
dc.subject Economic analysis en_ZA
dc.subject Fruits en_ZA
dc.subject Poles en_ZA
dc.subject Population statistics en_ZA
dc.subject Regression analysis en_ZA
dc.subject Statistical tests en_ZA
dc.subject Surveys en_ZA
dc.subject Binary logistic regression models en_ZA
dc.subject Local ecological knowledge en_ZA
dc.subject Logistic regression modeling en_ZA
dc.subject Sustainable forest management en_ZA
dc.subject Miombo woodlands en_ZA
dc.title Socio-economic factors influencing land-use and land-cover changes in the miombo woodlands of the Copperbelt province in Zambia en_ZA
dc.type Postprint Article en_ZA

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