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Mandela, Nelson, 1918-2013 (8)
Memorial services (8)
University of Pretoria (5)
Embodied sensing (2)
Ionization radius (2)
SDG-16: Peace, justice and strong institutions (2)
Theological anthropology (2)
Theology articles SDG-16 (2)
230 (1)
378.68 (1)
African honeybees (Apis mellifera scutellata) (1)
Allan Boesak (1)
Alliance of Black Reformed Churches in South Africa (ABRECSA) (1)
Ancestral gods (1)
Angular momentum (1)
Apartheid (1)
Apartheid -- South Africa (1)
Atomic wave model (1)
Beyers Naude (1)
Bill of Rights (1)
Black bodies (1)
Black consciousness (1)
Bond order (1)
Cell-based therapy (1)
Cellular and molecular medicine (ICMM) (1)
Charismatic churches (1)
Church leader (1)
Clinical psychologist (1)
Clinical psychology (1)
Curse of Ham (1)
Dipole moment (1)
Dirac’s equation (1)
Discrete set (1)
Dutch Reformed Mission Church (1)
d’Alembertian (1)
Education (Higher) -- South Africa (1)
Education -- South Africa (1)
Elections (1)
Electron density (1)
Emergent property (1)
Empowerment (1)
Ethnopsychology (1)
Force constant (1)
General covalence (1)
Golden ratio (1)
Golden section (1)
Golden-spiral optimization (1)
Harmonic function (1)
Honeybee populations (1)
Human flourishing (1)
Human genome (1)
Human rights (1)
Indigenisation (1)
Jean-François Bill (1)
Jomtien Declaration (1)
Justice (1)
Land (1)
Limiting law (1)
Making of meaning (1)
Mandela, Nelson, 1918- (1)
Masculinities (1)
Memorial service Nelson Mandela (1)
Molecular mechanics (1)
Molecular structure (1)
Mother cells (1)
Municipal elections (1)
Narrative theology (1)
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1)
Parliamentary opposition (1)
Party politics (1)
Periodicity (1)
Post-Foundational Theology (1)
Progenitor cells (1)
Prophets (1)
Quaternion (1)
Race (1)
Research management (1)
Research measurement (1)
Research productivity (1)
Sacred society (1)
SDG-05: Gender equality (1)
SDG-08: Decent work and economic growth (1)
SDG-10: Reduced inequalities (1)
SDG-17: Partnerships for the goals (1)
Self-similarity (1)
Sense of place (1)
Sensing of meaning (1)
Society (1)
South Africa (SA) (1)
Soweto uprising (1)
Space (1)
Spatial justice (1)
Speech memorial service Nelson Mandela (1)
Spin function (1)
Stem cells (1)
Steve Biko (1)
Tehological paradigm (1)
Tertiary education (1)
Theologian (1)
Theology articles SDG-05 (1)