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UP Executive Office: Recent submissions

  • Boeyens, Jan Christoffel Antonie; Levendis, Demetrius C. (Springer, 2013)
    Rational numbers, which correctly describe many recognizable patterns in the physical world, are often seen to converge in the process to irrational limits or even singularities. As a common example, atomic numbers are ...
  • Boeyens, Jan Christoffel Antonie (Springer, 2013)
    The Thomas–Fermi and Hartree–Fock calculations of non-hydrogen atomic structure rely on complicated numerical computations without a simple visualizable physical model. A new approach, based on a spherical wave structure ...
  • Boeyens, Jan Christoffel Antonie (Springer, 2013)
    Reviewed in historical context, bond order emerges as a vaguely defined concept without a clear theoretical basis. As an alternative, the spherical standingwave model of the extranuclear electronic distribution on an ...
  • Boeyens, Jan Christoffel Antonie; Comba, Peter (Springer, 2013)
    Molecular shape is recognized as an emergent property that complements the projection fromfour-dimensional space-time to tangent Euclidean space. Projection from hypercomplex algebra to real algebra necessitates the ...
  • Boeyens, Jan Christoffel Antonie (Springer, 2013)
    Some chemical phenomena, awkward to rationalize, are argued to originate in the four-dimensional nature of matter in curved space-time. The problem is traced back to the separation of space and time variables in the ...
  • De la Rey, Cheryl (2014-02-05)
    The speech of Prof Cheryl De la Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal at the memorial of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 11 December 2013.
  • University of Pretoria Camerata (2013-12-11)
    Performance of Bawo (traditional isiXhoa song) by members of the University of Pretoria Camerata at the memorial service for Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, held 11 December 2013 in the University of Pretoria Musaion. The ...
  • Masango, Maake J.S. (2013-12-11)
    The message of Prof Maake Masango, Emeritus professor of Theology, at the memorial service of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 11 December 2013, 8:30 in the Musaion of the University of Pretoria.
  • Lotter, James (2013-12-11)
    Message by Mr James Lotter, Deputy Secretary of the Student Representative Council, at the Memorial Service of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 11 December 2013, 8:30 in the Musaion of the University of Pretoria.
  • Meiring, Piet (Pieter Gerhard Jacobus), 1941- (2013-12-11)
    Tribute by Prof Piet Meiring, Emeritus Professor of Theology, at the memorial service of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 11 December 2013, 8:30 in the Musaion of the University of Pretoria.
  • Nkuhlu, Wiseman L (2013-12-11)
    The message of Prof Wiseman Nkuhlu, Chancellor of the University of Pretoria, at the memorial service of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 11 December 2013, 8:30 in the Musaion of the University of Pretoria
  • (2013-12-11)
    The message of Prof Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, at the memorial service of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 11 December 2013, 8:30 in the Musaion of the University of Pretoria.
  • (2013-12-11)
    The welcome by Prof Denver Hendricks, Director of Department of University Relations, at the memorial service of Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, 11 December 2013, 8:30 in the Musaion of the University of Pretoria, followed by ...
  • Haese, Leo (2013-12-12)
    A tribute to the deceased ex-president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, by Leo Haese, President of the Convocation of the University of Pretoria.
  • University of Pretoria (University of Pretoria, 2013-12-11)
    The University of Pretoria paid tribute to former South African president Nelson Mandela with a memorial service held in the Musaion, 11 December 2013 at 8:30.
  • Manganyi, N. Chabani (Psychological Society of South Africa, 2013)
    Clinical Psychology training is an arduous journey wherever in the world one pursues it. However, in apartheid South Africa, the experience of becoming a psychologist held its own unique challenges, especially if you were ...
  • Pepper, Michael Sean; De la Rey, Cheryl; University of Pretoria (University of Pretoria, 2012-10-31)
    Die snel ontwikkelende terrein van stamselnavorsing skep voortdurend hoë verwagtinge by pasiënte. Stamselle is ongedifferensieerde selle wat die vermoë besit om hulself te hernu en wat deur differensiëring in al die ...
  • Muller, Julian C.; De la Rey, Cheryl; University of Pretoria (University of Pretoria, 2012-10-31)
    Teologie as 'n verhaal van twyfel en verbeelding moet in teenstelling met die tradisionele benadering tot teologie as 'n stelsel van proposisionele sekerhede verstaan word. Twyfel en verbeelding is 'n onafskeidbare deel ...
  • Howie, Sarah J. (University of Pretoria, 2011-08-04)
    GEHALTEONDERRIG VIR ALMAL - SUID-AFRIKA SE SOEKE NA DIE "HEILIGE GRAAL" ? aangebied deur prof Sarah Howie. Internasionale agentskappe fokus die afgelope twee dekades op "onderwys vir almal". Op 'n vasteland waar "onderwys ...
  • Heyns, C.H. (Christof H.); University of Pretoria; De la Rey, Cheryl (University of Pretoria, 2010-10-27)
    Human rights, as a set of norms that is applicable to everyone, everywhere, has been described as 'the idea of our time'. An expert from the University of Pretoria, Prof Christof Heyns, will pose the question in this UP ...