Bricolageliturgie : liturgical studies revisited

Show simple item record Barnard, Marcel 2008-08-07T10:32:23Z 2008-08-07T10:32:23Z 2008
dc.description.abstract This article examines a fifth trend, complementary to the four identified in a previous article, in contemporary liturgy visible in churches in the Netherlands as well as South Africa. Drawing on the specific case in the Netherlands of a service in which a minister was ordained, the tendency to mix liturgies is highlighted. This "cut-and-paste" liturgy can be described as "bricolage liturgy". The term "bricolage" is not new: its use by Claude Lévi-Strauss and Jacques Derrida is investigated in order to better apply the term to liturgy. Bricolage liturgy is a-centrical and a-typical. Jesus Christ, then, is the point of departure for understanding the rituals of liturgy, without restricting a service to a set pattern. en
dc.format.extent 90654 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Barnard, M 2008, 'Bricolageliturgie: liturgical studies revisited', Verbum et Ecclesia, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 14-31. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1609-9982
dc.language.iso Dutch en
dc.publisher Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria en
dc.rights Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria en
dc.subject Liturgy -- South Africa -- Netherlands en
dc.subject Bricolage liturgy en
dc.subject Liturgical renewal en
dc.subject.lcsh Liturgics en
dc.subject.lcsh Liturgy -- Lutheran Church -- Netherlands en
dc.title Bricolageliturgie : liturgical studies revisited en
dc.title.alternative Bricolage liturgy : liturgical studies revisited en
dc.type Article en

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