O2 binding and CO2 sensitivity in hemoglobins of subterranean African mole rats

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dc.contributor.author Weber, Roy E.
dc.contributor.author Jarvis, Jennifer U.M.
dc.contributor.author Fago, Angela
dc.contributor.author Bennett, Nigel Charles
dc.date.accessioned 2017-11-30T09:00:50Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.description.abstract Inhabiting deep and sealed subterranean burrows, mole rats exhibit a remarkable suite of specializations, including eusociality (living in colonies with single breeding queens), extraordinary longevity, cancer immunity and poikilothermy, and extreme tolerance of hypoxia and hypercapnia.With little information available on adjustments in hemoglobin (Hb) function that may mitigate the impact of exogenous and endogenous constraints on the uptake and internal transport of O2, we measured hematological characteristics, as well as Hb-O2 binding affinities and their sensitivities to pH (Bohr effect), CO2, temperature and 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (DPG, the major allosteric modulator of Hb-O2 affinity in the red cells) in four social and two solitary species of African mole rats (family Bathyergidae) originating from different biomes and soil types across Central and Southern Africa. We find no consistent patterns in hematocrit (Hct) and blood and red cell DPG and Hb concentrations or in intrinsic Hb-O2 affinity and its sensitivity to pH and DPG that correlate with burrowing, sociality and soil-type. However, the results reveal low specific (pHindependent) effects of CO2 on Hb-O2 affinity compared to humans that predictably safeguard pulmonary loading under hypoxic and hypercapnic burrow conditions. The O2-binding characteristics are discussed in relation to available information on the primary structure of Hbs from adult and developmental stages of mammals subjected to hypoxia and hypercapnia and the molecular mechanisms underlying functional variation in rodent Hbs. en_ZA
dc.description.department Zoology and Entomology en_ZA
dc.description.embargo 2018-11-30
dc.description.librarian am2017 en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship The Danish Council for Independent Research, Natural Sciences (grant 4181-00094) and the Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University. en_ZA
dc.description.uri http://jeb.biologists.org en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Weber, R.E., Jarvis, J.U.M., Fago, A. & Bennett, N.C. 2017, 'O2 binding and CO2 sensitivity in hemoglobins of subterranean African mole rats', Journal of Experimental Biology, vol. 220, no. 21, pp. 3939-3948. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 0022-0949 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1477-9145 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1242/jeb.160457
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/63394
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Company of Biologists en_ZA
dc.rights © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd. en_ZA
dc.subject Bohr effect en_ZA
dc.subject Carbon dioxide en_ZA
dc.subject Hypoxia en_ZA
dc.subject Hypercapnia en_ZA
dc.subject Oxygen transport en_ZA
dc.subject Phenotypic plasticity en_ZA
dc.subject Respiratory properties en_ZA
dc.subject Vertebrate hemoglobins en_ZA
dc.subject Cryptomys hottentus en_ZA
dc.subject Middle East mole rat (Spalax ehrenbergi) en_ZA
dc.subject Deer mouse hemoglobin en_ZA
dc.subject Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) en_ZA
dc.subject Acetylation en_ZA
dc.subject High-altitude adaption en_ZA
dc.subject African mole-rats (Bathyergidae) en_ZA
dc.title O2 binding and CO2 sensitivity in hemoglobins of subterranean African mole rats en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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