Affluent South African female consumers' value perceptions of luxury exotic leather accessories

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dc.contributor.advisor De Klerk, Helena Maria en
dc.contributor.postgraduate Stephenson, Melissa Kate en 2017-06-05T12:12:24Z 2017-06-05T12:12:24Z 2017-04-05 en 2016 en
dc.description Dissertation (MConsumer Science)--University of Pretoria, 2016. en
dc.description.abstract Means-end Chain theory posits that consumers choose certain products or services based on their attributes in an attempt to produce certain outcomes (Gutman, 1997). This results in consumers thinking about products and services in terms of the product's attributes, the consequence resulting from the use of the products and finally in achieving important personal values (Gutman, 1997). The process of utilising Means-end Chain theory involves the researcher asking various "why" probes, usually starting with the attribute of the product, in an attempt to uncover the attribute-consequence-value relationship the consumer has with the product in question (Gutman, 1997; Reynolds & Gutman, 1988), and allows for an in-depth analysis of which attributes consumers find most important in certain products, the consequence the attribute holds and the personal value that is satisfied by purchasing the product. With regard to luxury exotic leather accessories, consumers might prefer certain intrinsic or extrinsic product attributes more than other, that lead to negative or positive consequences, and in turn lead to the consumer fulfilling either a terminal or an instrumental value. Therefore the aim of this study was to explore affluent South African female consumers' luxury value perceptions of exotic leather accessories, by utilising the Means-end Chain theory. Affluent female consumers aged 30 to 60 were used as the unit of analysis for this research study. These affluent South African female consumers resided in Gauteng and the City of Cape Town and formed part of the LSM 7-10 consumer segment. This LSM 7-10 market segment entails that these consumers are more likely to be working full time, to be qualified and earn R10 255 to R29 512, monthly, a higher than average household income (SAARF Segmentation Tool, 2012:59-62).Convenience, and snowball sampling were used to collect data in the Gauteng and Cape Town areas. The measuring instrument used for this study was a self-administered questionnaire, and a total of 40 usable questionnaires were collected. The findings of this study indicate that the luxury value perceptions these affluent female consumers sought to fulfil were Functional and Individual value, and that these value perceptions were driven by the Usability and Self-identity consequence of use that were based on the Colour and Design attributes of the exotic leather accessory. This indicates that the affluent South African female participants that took part in this study sought aesthetic intrinsic product attributes (design and colour) to fulfil both Usability (functional) and Self-identity (psychological) consequences that are driven by Functional (terminal) and Individual (instrumental) values. This was attributed to the participants valuing exotic leather handbags that are durable, versatile and cleverly designed (Functional Value), while allowing them to express who they are and make them feel good (Individual Value). en_ZA
dc.description.abstract "Means-end Chain" teorie postuleer dat verbruikers sekere produkte of dienste kies gebaseer op hul eienskappe in 'n poging om sekere uitkomste te produseer (Gutman, 1997). Dit lei tot verbruikers wat dink oor produkte en dienste in terme van die eienskappe van die produk, die gevolg van die gebruik van die produkte wat dan uiteindelik lei tot die bereiking van belangrike persoonlike waardes (Gutman, 1997). Die proses van "Means-end Chain" teorie behels dat die navorser verskeie "hoekom" vrae vra, die proses beign gewoonlik met die kenmerk van die produk, in 'n poging om die kenmerk-gevolg-waarde verhouding wat die verbruiker met die betrokke produk het te ontbloot (Gutman, 1997; Reynolds & Gutman, 1988), en maak voorsiening vir 'n in-diepte analise van die eienskappe wat verbruikers die belangrikste vind in sekere produkte, die gevolg van die eienskap en die persoonlike waarde vervul word met die aankoop van die produk. Met betrekking tot luukse eksotiese leer bykomstighede, kan verbruikers sekere intrinsieke of ekstrinsieke produk eienskappe verkies meer as ander, wat lei tot negatiewe of positiewe gevolge, en op sy beurt lei tot die verbruiker se vervulling van sy/haar terminale of instrumentele waardes. Daarom was die doel van hierdie studie om welgestelde Suid-Afrikaanse vroulike verbruikers se luukse waarde persepsies van eksotiese leer bykomstighede te verken, deur gebruik te maak van die "Means-end Chain" teorie. Welgestelde vroulike verbruikers, tussen die ouderdomme van 30 tot 60 jaar, is gebruik as die eenheid van analise vir hierdie navorsingstudie. Hierdie welgestelde Suid-Afrikaanse vroulike verbruikers woon in Gauteng en die Stad Kaapstad en het vorm deel van die LSM 7-10 verbruiker segment. Die LSM 7-10 marksegment behels dat hierdie verbruikers is meer geneig om voltyds te werk, gekwalifiseerd is, en verdien R10 255 tot R29 512, maandelikse, 'n hoër as gemiddelde huishoudelike inkomste (SAARF Segmentation Tool, 2012:59-62). Gerief, en sneeubalsteekproeftrekking is gebruik om data in die Gauteng en Kaapstad gebiede in te samel. Die meetinstrument wat gebruik word vir hierdie studie was 'n self-geadministreerde vraelys, en 'n totaal van 40 bruikbare vraelyste is ingesamel. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie dui daarop dat die luukse waarde persepsies wat die welgestelde vroulike verbruikers wat deel maak van die studie probeer vervul was Funksionele en Individuele waardes, en dat hierdie waarde persepsies gedryf word deur die bruikbaarheid en self-identiteit gevolge van die gebruik van die produk, wat gebaseer is op die kleur en ontwerp eienskappe van die eksotiese leer bykomstighede. Dit dui daarop dat die welgestelde Suid-Afrikaanse vroulike deelnemers wat deelgeneem het aan hierdie studie, estetiese intrinsieke produk eienskappe (ontwerp en kleur) gesoek het vir beide Bruikbaarheid (funksionele) en self-identiteit (sielkundige) gevolge wat gedryf word deur die vervulling van funksionele (terminale) en Individuele (instrumenteel) waardes. Dit is toegeskryf aan die deelnemers se waardeering van eksotiese leer handsakke wat duursame, veelsydig en slim ontwerp (Funksionele waarde) is, wat teselfdetyd die deelnemet toelaar om hulle identiteit te vertoon en hul maak goed voel oor hulself (Individuele Waarde). af_ZA
dc.description.availability Unrestricted en MConsumer Science en
dc.description.department Consumer Science en
dc.identifier.citation Stephenson, MK 2016, Affluent South African female consumers' value perceptions of luxury exotic leather accessories, MConsumer Science Dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd <> en
dc.identifier.other A2017 en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher University of Pretoria en
dc.rights © 2017 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. en
dc.subject UCTD en
dc.title Affluent South African female consumers' value perceptions of luxury exotic leather accessories en
dc.type Dissertation en

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