Effective utilisation of generation Y quantity surveyors

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dc.contributor.author Van Eck, Elzane
dc.contributor.author Burger, Michelle
dc.date.accessioned 2017-05-19T08:25:17Z
dc.date.available 2017-05-19T08:25:17Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.description.abstract In South Africa, 43% of all quantity surveyors are identified as generation Y, born between 1981 and 2000. This highlights the importance of generation Y to the Quantity Surveying (QS) profession, as they are the future upon which the QS profession will build. A lack of knowledge of the differences among generations can easily lead to misunderstandings and conflict in the workplace. QS employers who want to effectively utilise generation Y employees require a sound knowledge and understanding of their attributes and expectations in relation to their job requirements. This study examines the literature on the attributes and expectations as well as the roles and responsibilities of a generation Y quantity surveyor. Suggestions are made as to how QS employers could utilise generation Y more effectively by harnessing their energy and capitalising on their attributes. Initially, 554 published papers, articles and books were generated as references, of which only 68 were purposively selected and extensively reviewed to analyse the key attributes of generation Y as well as to determine the main functions and services rendered by a quantity surveyor. The literature review showed that the key attributes and expectations of generation Y are flexibility; a meaningful job; interesting work; good relationships with supervisors; regular feedback, and career growth opportunities. The literature review also indicated that the service stages offered by a quantity surveyor are inception; concept and viability; design development; documentation and procurement; construction, and close-out. Based on the literature reviewed, generation Y has the potential to be the highest producing workforce in history. QS employers, who practically apply generational knowledge in relation to job requirements, should be able to unlock the potential of generation Y, increase its productivity, and ultimately its profitability. The findings of this article will be of value to employers in the QS profession by expanding their knowledge and understanding of their generation Y employees. Adapting management and leadership strategies according to these findings could lead to higher staff satisfaction, resulting in workforce productivity and increased profitability. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract In Suid-Afrika is 43% van alle bourekenaars geïdentifiseer as generasie Y, wat gebore is tussen 1981 en 2000. Dit beklemtoon die belangrikheid van generasie Y vir die bourekenaarsprofessie aangesien hierdie generasie die toekoms is waarop die professie moet voortbou. Te min kennis van generasie verskille kan maklik lei tot misverstande en konflik in die werkplek. Bourekenaarwerkgewers wat generasie Y-werknemers effektief wil aanwend, benodig genoegsame kennis oor hierdie generasie se eienskappe en verwagtinge in verhouding tot hul werksverpligtinge. Hierdie studie bestudeer die literatuur oor die eienskappe en verwagtinge van generasie Y asook wat die rol en verantwoordelikhede van ‘n bourekenaar is. Voorstelle word gemaak oor hoe bourekenaarwerkgewers generasie Y-werknemers meer effektief kan gebruik deur hul energie te benut en op hul eienskappe te kapitaliseer. Aanvanklik is 554 gepubliseerde referate, artikels en boeke gegenereer as verwysings, waarvan slegs 68 doelgerig geselekteer en omvattend hersien is deur die sleuteleienskappe van generasie Y te analiseer asook om te bepaal wat die hooffunksies en dienste van ‘n bourekenaar is. Die literêre oorsig het die volgende aangedui as die sleuteleienskappe en verwagtinge van generasie Y: buigsaamheid; ‘n betekenisvolle werk; interessante werk; goeie verhouding met toesighouer; gereelde terugvoer, en geleentheid vir groei in hul loopbaan. Die literêre oorsig het ook die volgende getoon as die diensleweringstadiums wat bourekenaars bied: die ontstaan; konsep en lewensvatbaarheid; ontwerpontwikkeling; dokumentasie en verkryging; konstruksie, en afsluiting. Gebaseer op die literêre oorsig het generasie Y die potensiaal om die produktiefste werksmag in die geskiedenis te wees. Bourekenaarwerkgewers wat kennis oor verskillende generasies in verhouding tot werksverpligtinge prakties kan toepas, behoort daartoe in staat te wees om generasie Y se potensiaal te ontsluit, sy produktiwiteit te verhoog, en uiteindelik ook winsgewendheid te verhoog. Die bevindinge van hierdie artikel sal van waarde wees vir werkgewers in die bourekenaarsprofessie deur hul kennis en begrip oor generasie Y-werknemers te verbreed. Deur bestuur- en leierskapstrategiëe aan te pas in lyn met hierdie bevindinge kan lei tot hoër werknemertevredenheid wat sal lei tot werksmagproduktiwiteit en verhoogde winsgewendheid. en_ZA
dc.description.department Construction Economics en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2017 en_ZA
dc.description.uri http://www.journals.co.za/content/journal/struct en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Van Eck, E & Burger, M 2016, 'Effective utilisation of generation Y quantity surveyors', Acta Structilia, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 57-78. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1023-0564 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 2415-0487 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.18820/24150487/as23i2.3
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/60570
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher SUNMeDIA en_ZA
dc.rights © UV/UFS en_ZA
dc.subject Generation Y en_ZA
dc.subject Job satisfaction en_ZA
dc.subject Bourekenkunde en_ZA
dc.subject Generasie Y en_ZA
dc.subject Werkstevredenheid en_ZA
dc.subject Quantity surveying (QS) en_ZA
dc.subject South Africa (SA) en_ZA
dc.subject Suid-Afrika (SA) en_ZA
dc.title Effective utilisation of generation Y quantity surveyors en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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