Communicating the protection of information privacy

Show simple item record Jordaan, Yolanda Jordaan, Andre Cillie 2008-07-02T09:59:18Z 2008-07-02T09:59:18Z 2004-07
dc.description.abstract The world economic system's transformation from a dominant mass-production model to a mass-customisation model is seen to have created a demand for personal information from consumers. This has led to many consumers feeling the need to protect their information as businesses request increasingly more personal information during commercial transactions. This conceptual paper addresses information privacy as an inter-disciplinary issue that affects relationships at micro, macro and global levels. First at micro level, addressing the value perception of information among consumers and marketers; secondly at macro level, illustrating the role of the government in protecting information privacy; and thirdly at global level, since the flow of information plays a major role in eliminating boundaries between countries. Finally, the managerial implications of information privacy are discussed, concluding that effective customer relations now require businesses to communicate in ways that make their customers feel protected. en
dc.format.extent 36098 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Jordaan, Y & Jordaan, AC 2004, 'Communicating the protection of information privacy', Communicare: Journal for Communication Sciences in Southern Africa/Tydskrif vir Kommunikasiewetenskappe in Suider-Afrika, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 137-148. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0259-0069
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Southern African Communication Association en
dc.rights Southern African Communication Association en
dc.subject Communication en
dc.subject Information privacy en
dc.subject Self-regulation en
dc.subject Consumer information en
dc.subject Globalization en
dc.subject Privacy protection en
dc.subject.lcsh Privacy en
dc.subject.lcsh Privacy, Right of en
dc.title Communicating the protection of information privacy en
dc.type Article en

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