The theatrics of negotiating identity

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dc.contributor.advisor Barker, A.A.J. (Arthur Adrian Johnson) en
dc.contributor.postgraduate Van Rooyen, Stephanie en 2017-05-03T14:08:54Z 2017-05-03T14:08:54Z 2017-04-19 en 2016 en
dc.description Mini Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2016. en
dc.description.abstract Some former public spaces and buildings of the historical city no longer contribute to the urban fabric and no longer support the city's energy. With this, the historical importance of the fabric is being lost, leaving a trail of skeletons from the past while the city scatters in search of its new identity. The main focus of this dissertation is to understand the various historic and current identities that exist within the city of Pretoria. Through this understanding of identities, negotiations between the old and new can begin to be explored so as reconcile the identity of the neglected and abandoned relics in the urban fabric. To achieve this, the idea of "remodeling" as a palimpsestic layer, as put forward by Machado (1976: 46), will be applied to the Capitol Theatre to reflect its multiple layers of heritage and identity. This reflection of both the existing and the unbuilt are addressed in the adaptation of the Capitol Theatre so that it may become a relevant contributor the urban fabric and to the identity of Pretoria as the new capital city. On an urban level the program is aimed at informing the public with regards to unconstitutional actions that may negatively impact the public sector and the public themselves. This information is used to incite more effective protest where the role of the new layer of architecture is the interface for the procurement and distribution of information regarding actions that directly affect the Constitution's value to the public. In essence an urban "megaphone". en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Sekere voormalige publieke areas en geboue dra nie meer tot die historiese stad se wese, karakter en energie by nie. In die proses verloor die stad sy unieke historiese karakter, en in sy soeke na 'n nuwe identiteit, laat die stad 'n reeks murasies en geraamtes van die verlede agter. Die tesis ondersoek die huidige en historiese identiteite van die stad. Deur die wisselwerking tussen die oue en die nuwe te verstaan, kan 'n nuwe konsep gevorm word om die verwaarloosde en vewerpte murasies van die verlede met die huidige teversoen. Om dit te bewerkstellig word die konsep van hermodulering as 'n palimsestiese laag, soos deur Machado (1976: 46) voorgestel, toegepas om die verskillende dimensies van herkoms en identiteit van die Hoof Teater te reflekteer. Die verwerking van beide die bestaande en die ongekonstrueerde spreek die karakter van die Capitol Theatre aan, sodat dit weereens tot die hart en wese van Pretoria as die hoofstad, 'n bydrae kan maak. Op 'n stedelike vlak is die werk daarop gemik om die publiek in te lig ten opsigte van moontlik onkonstitusionele aksies wat dalk negatiewe impakte op die privaat sektor en op die publiek self mag h?. Die inligting word gebruik om meer effektiewe protes aan te spoor, waar die rol van die nuwe argitektoniese verwerking gegrond is op die interaksies tussen die insameling en verwerking van inligting van aksies wat moontlik die konstitusie se waarde vir die publiek mag aantas. In wese, die stad se luidspreker af_ZA
dc.description.availability Unrestricted en MArch (Prof) en
dc.description.department Architecture en
dc.identifier.citation Van Rooyen, S 2016, The theatrics of negotiating identity, MArch (Prof) Mini Dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd <> en
dc.identifier.other A2017 en
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher University of Pretoria en
dc.rights © 2017 University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. en
dc.subject UCTD en
dc.title The theatrics of negotiating identity en_ZA
dc.type Mini Dissertation en

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