1936 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 7, 1936

1936 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 7, 1936


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 7: Number 1

Orbituary: Sir Arnold Theiler

Section I: Virus Diseases

Studies on the neurotropic virus of horsesickness. V. The antigenic response of horses to simultaneous trivalent immunization Alexander, RA 11

Horsesickness : immunization of horses and mules in the field during the season 1934-1935 with a description of the technique of preparation of polyvalent mouse neurotropic vaccine Alexander, RA, Neitz, WO & Du Toit, PJ 17

Section II: Parasitology

Notes on species of Trichodectidae with descriptions of new genera and species Bedford, GAH 33

New species of Linognathus and Polyplax (Anoplura) Bedford, GAH 59

Description of a new species of Hippobosca (Diptera pupipara) Bedford, GAH 67

A synoptic checklist and hostlist of the ectoparasites found on South African Mammalia, Aves, and Reptilia (supplement I) Bedford, GAH 69

Section III: Bacteriology

Pasteurellosis: an outbreak amongst sheep Henning, MW & Brown, MHV 113

The isolation of single bacterial cells Mason, JH 133

The production of immunity to Cl. chauvoei Mason, JH & Scheuber, JR 143

Section IV: Plant Studies and Poisonous Plants

Recent investigations into the toxicity of known and unknown poisonous plants in the Union of South Africa Steyn, DG 169

Section V: Mineral Metabolism

Studies in mineral metabolism. XXXIV. The effect of sulphur upon the weight and wool production of sheep when food intake is not limited Du Toit, PJ, Malan, AI, Groenewald, JW & Botha, ML 181

Sulphur metabolism. II. The distribution of sulphur in the tissues of rats fed rations with and without the addition of elementary sulphur Kellermann, JH 189

Sulphur metabolism. III. The effect of flowers of sulphur on the growth of young rats fed an otherwise well-balanced ration Kellermann, JH 199

Sulphur metabolism. IV. The oxidation and reduction of elementary sulphur by animal tissues in vitro Kellermann, JH 209

Section VI: Sex Physiology

Studies in sex physiology, No. 14. The situation of the developing foetus in the uterus of the live Merino sheep Curson, HH & Quinlan, J 227

Studies in sex physiology, No. 15. Further observations on the body weight and crown-rump length of Merino foetuses Malan, AP & Curson, HH 239

Studies in sex physiology, No. 16. Surface area in the foetus of the Merino sheep Malan, AP & Curson, HH 251

Studies in sex physiology, No. 17. The extent of the gravid Merino uterus in relation to the vertebral column in the dorsal recumbent position and the weights of the gravid uterus and foetus in relation to the general body weight Curson, HH & Malan, AP 261

Section VII: Pathology

A contribution to the study of the pathology of oesophagostomiasis in sheep Fourie, PJJ 277

Section VIII: Photosensitisation

Studies on the photosensitisation of animals in South Africa. IX. The bile flow of the Merino sheep under various conditions Quin, JI 351

Section IX: Miscellaneous

Anatomical studies, No. 61. A comparison of two of the so-called Zebus Curson, HH 371

Volume 7: Number 2

Section I: Parasitology

Anthelmintic tests, chiefly with tetrachlorethylene, for the removal of the hookworm, Gaigeria pachyscelis, from infested sheep, with observations on the effects of this drug on other parasitic nematodes Ortlepp, RJ & Monnig, HO 399

A new fly repellent and a blowfly dressing. Preliminary report Monnig, HO 419

Section II: Bacteriology

The toxin of Clostridium chauvoei Mason, JH 433

Section III: Plant Studies and Poisonous Plants

Chemical studies upon the vermeerbos, Geigeria aspera Harv. I. Isolation of a bitter principle "geigerin" Rimington, C & Roets, GCS 485

Chemical studies upon the vermeerbos, Geigeria aspera, Harv. II. Isolation of the active principle "vermeeric acid" Rimington, C, Roets, GCS & Steyn, DG 507

Section IV: Mineral Metabolism and Deficiency

Studies in mineral metabolism XXXV. The role of iodine in the nutrition of sheep Malan, AI, Du Toit, PJ & Groenewald, JW 523

Section V: Pathology

The occurrence of congenital porphyrinuria (pink tooth) in cattle in South Africa (Swaziland) Fourie, PJJ 535

Some cases of congenital porphyrinuria in cattle: chemical studies upon the living animals and post-mortem material Rimington, C 567

Section VI: Animal Husbandry

A contribution to the study of African native cattle Curson, HH & Thornton, RW 613

Author index 741

Subject index 743

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