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African Journal of Public Affairs Volume 6, Number 3 (2013)
Recent Submissions
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013)
Ababio, E.P.; Asmah-Andoh, K.
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013)
Decentralisation as an analytical concept in local government seems much
overused. Yet, the definitional debate tends to defy consensus in academia. The
obverse is true. Devolution, a closely-related concept, seems ...
Banjo, A.
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013)
The article explores the political dynamics that explain the rapidity of the
impeachment processes and resignation of Nigeria’s Senate presidents in the Fourth
Republic. By means of narrative analysis and utilising ...
Lubinga, Stellah N.; Van Dijk, Hilligje Gerritdina
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013)
Existing literature asserts that there are continuing challenges towards the
implementation of Universal Primary Education (UPE) in Uganda which include:
inadequate capacity for effective accountability of financial ...
Mantzaris, E.A.; Pillay, P.
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013)
Although there has been a good amount of literature in respect of the relationship
among political and administrative leaders and their effect/s on quality management,
little has been written on their respective (individual ...
Mupindu, W.; Thakhathi, D.R.
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013)
The study is theoretically grounded on the human rights approach to development
which perceives the state as constitutionally obligated to protect its citizens. Most
municipalities in Zimbabwe receive inadequate subsidy ...
Rakepa, T.T.; Uys, F.M.
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013)
The primary aim of the Employee Health and Wellness Programme (EHWP) is
to make a positive contribution towards maximum employee productivity and
effectiveness in the workplace. Various organisations have implemented the ...
Subban, M.; Qwabe, B.
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013)
The post-apartheid South African education landscape gave impetus to national
debates on the higher education system with emphasis on skills needed in the
knowledge-based economy. Higher education has re-defined its role ...
Cedras, Jody P.; Kuye, Jerry O.
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013-09)
Since 1994 the South African state has been governed through an Alliance of the
African National Congress (ANC), South African Communist Party (SACP) and
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). Whilst each of ...
Traebert Cavalini, E.; Fourie, D.J. (David Johannes)
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013-09)
Offset agreements have become a common practice in the international arms trade,
and are a reality in today’s defence market. Globally, military expenditure has
grown, and offset strategies and policies for defence ...
Koma, Samuel Bogalebjapoo
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013-09)
This article examines the implementation of local economic development policy in
the developing countries and a comparative analysis of two case studies, namely, the
Republic of South Africa and Hungary are discussed. ...
Thornhill, Christopher
(African Consortium of Public Administration, 2013-09)
Most articles and books attend to the practising of the public administration and
management in countries with stable well established governments and career
public offi cials. It is assumed that a government is operating ...