a competitive environment, high fashion retailers must become proficient at not only
providing quality merchandise, but also at providing value to their customers, in order to be
successful. Only high fashion retailers that offer the value their customers demand, are able
to increase customer satisfaction levels and remain competitive in the long term. Higher
levels of customer satisfaction have been shown to lead to repurchase intention and
profitability. Customer value is considered a complex construct and is viewed by many as
multidimensional in nature. High fashion retailers’ unique nature highlights the fact that their
customers have different expectations and may view customer value dimensions differently,
as opposed to other clothing retailers. The aim of this article is to propose a multidimensional
model of customer value for high fashion retailers, including the interrelationships between
customer value, customer satisfaction and repurchase intention. A descriptive research
design using quantitative methods was used to collect primary data. A non-probability
multistage sampling approach was followed to select respondents, and 620 completed
interviewer-administered questionnaires were included for analysis. Structural equation
modelling (SEM) was utilised to measure the interrelationships between the three constructs
of the study. Results show that high fashion retailers need to focus on sacrifice value,
service value, store value, experience value and status value in order to positively influence
their customers’ satisfaction levels and subsequent repurchase intention.