1940 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 14, 1940

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1940 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 14, 1940


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 14: Numbers 1 & 2

Section I: Protozoology

Eperythrozoonosis in cattle Neitz, WO 9

Section II: Virus Diseases

Swine fever in South Africa De Kock, G, Robinson, EM & Keppel, JJG 31

Section III: Parasitology

South African helminths. Part VII. Miscellaneous helminths, chiefly cestodes Ortlepp, RJ 97

Treatment against lungworms (Dictyocaulus filaria) in sheep Monnig, HO 111

Marshallagia marshalli (Ransom, 1907) Orloff, 1933 and a new species of this genus from sheep in South Africa Monnig, HO 115

Section IV: Mineral Metabolism and Deficiency

A study of the mineral content and feeding value of natural pastures in the Union of South Africa (Final report) Du Toit, PJ, Louw, JG & Malan, AI 123

Iodine in the nutrition of sheep. Final report Malan, AI, Du Toit, PJ & Groenewald, JW 329

The significance of fluorine traces in natural waters and a proposed method to effect their removal Van der Merwe, PK 335

A procedure for the micro determination of fluorine Van der Merwe, PK 359

Section V: Nutrition

Further studies on the amino acid deficiencies of plant proteins Marais, JSC & Smuts, DB 387

The dry matter consumption of sheep on natural grazing in the Transvaal Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC 403

The utilization by sheep of the proteins contained in the natural grazing during different seasons of the year Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC 415

The carotene content of some South African feeds Myburgh, SJ 421

Section VI: Toxicology and Poisonous Plants

The Senecio alkaloids. Part 2: hydrogenation, hydrolysis and structural results of isatidine De Waal, HL 433

Section VII: Chemical Blood Studies

Chemical blood studies VIII. A rapid spectroscopic method for (A) the quantitative determination of haemoglobin in blood and (B) its application for the quantitative estimation of haemoglobin in milk, urine, serum or plasma and faeces Roets, GCS 451

Section VIII: Wool Research

The origin of sulphur in wool. III. An improved cuprous mercaptide method for the determination of cystine in material low in cystine Rossouw, SD 461

Section IX: Poultry

Conjunctivitis of the domestic fowl and an associated Rickettsia-like organism in the conjunctival epithelium Coles, JDWA 469

Section X: Anatomy

Anatomical studies no. 63: an abnormal bovine heart Cloete, JHL & Steyn, HP 481

Anatomical studies no. 64: Anomalous course of the left phrenic nerve in a donkey Jackson, C & Viljoen, WC 489

Author index 491

Subject index 492

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