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1940 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 14, 1940
Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??
Volume 14: Numbers 1
& 2 |
Section I: Protozoology
in cattle
Neitz, WO |
9 |
Section II: Virus Diseases
fever in South Africa
De Kock, G, Robinson, EM & Keppel, JJG |
31 |
Section III: Parasitology |
African helminths. Part VII. Miscellaneous helminths, chiefly cestodes
Ortlepp, RJ |
97 |
against lungworms (Dictyocaulus filaria) in sheep
Monnig, HO |
111 |
marshalli (Ransom, 1907) Orloff, 1933 and a new species of this genus from
sheep in South Africa
Monnig, HO |
115 |
Section IV: Mineral Metabolism and Deficiency
study of the mineral content and feeding value of natural pastures in the
Union of South Africa (Final report)
Du Toit, PJ, Louw, JG & Malan, AI |
123 |
in the nutrition of sheep. Final report
Malan, AI, Du Toit, PJ & Groenewald, JW |
329 |
significance of fluorine traces in natural waters and a proposed method
to effect their removal
Van der Merwe, PK |
335 |
procedure for the micro determination of fluorine
Van der Merwe, PK |
359 |
Section V: Nutrition |
studies on the amino acid deficiencies of plant proteins
Marais, JSC & Smuts, DB |
387 |
dry matter consumption of sheep on natural grazing in the Transvaal
Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC |
403 |
utilization by sheep of the proteins contained in the natural grazing during
different seasons of the year
Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC |
415 |
carotene content of some South African feeds
Myburgh, SJ |
421 |
Section VI: Toxicology and Poisonous Plants
Senecio alkaloids. Part 2: hydrogenation, hydrolysis and structural results
of isatidine
De Waal, HL |
433 |
Section VII: Chemical Blood Studies |
blood studies VIII. A rapid spectroscopic method for (A) the quantitative
determination of haemoglobin in blood and (B) its application for the quantitative
estimation of haemoglobin in milk, urine, serum or plasma and faeces
Roets, GCS |
451 |
Section VIII: Wool Research |
origin of sulphur in wool. III. An improved cuprous mercaptide method for
the determination of cystine in material low in cystine
Rossouw, SD |
461 |
Section IX: Poultry |
of the domestic fowl and an associated Rickettsia-like organism in the conjunctival
Coles, JDWA |
469 |
Section X: Anatomy |
studies no. 63: an abnormal bovine heart
Cloete, JHL & Steyn, HP |
481 |
studies no. 64: Anomalous course of the left phrenic nerve in a donkey
Jackson, C & Viljoen, WC |
489 |
491 |
492 |
Recent Submissions
Du Toit, P.J.; Louw, J.G.; Malan, A.I.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
(1) The chemical composition of grass pastures differs in many respects considerably from that of bush pastures. Especially is this the case in connection with the changes to which the composition of pastures are subject ...
Ortlepp, R.J.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
In the foregoing the writer discusses five species of Cestodes and one species of Nematode; of the cestodes three species are considered as new and the species from the Hoepoe is assigned to a new genus Biuterinoides closely ...
De Kock, G.; Robinson, E.M.; Keppel, J.J.G.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
1. It is believed that various outbreaks of swine fever in South
Africa have probably occurred since 1900. The disease in domestic pigs produced by the blood of warthogs resembled the European disease. Probably in swine ...
Du Toit, P.J.; Louw, J.G.; Malan, A.I.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
(1) The chemical composition of grass pastures differs in many respects considerably from that of bush pastures. Especially is this the case in connection with the changes to which the composition of pastures are subject ...
Anonymous; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
Anonymous; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
Jackson, Cecil; Viljoen, W.C.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
Cloete, J.H.L.; Steyn, H.P.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
Coles, J.D.W.A.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
An apparently new form of conjunctivitis of the domestic fow1 has been described. No doubt the disease has been seen before and called “ocular roup”.
The condition is confined to the structures of the eye. Transmission ...
Rossouw, S.D.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
Cystine is determined as cysteine in hydrolysates of plant or
biological material of low cystine content. This method is an improvement and also more accurate than the previous one described.
Roets, G.C.S.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
A spectroscopic method for the quantitative determination of the
haemoglobin content of blood is described. The haematin is converted
into pyridine haemochromogen and a comparison of the intensity of
the 555 absorption ...
De Waal, H.L.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
In the first paper of this series (de Waal, 1939) the isolation and chemical properties as well as the results of the preliminary hydrolysis and of the hydrogenation of the alkaloid isatidine were recorded. This alkaloid ...
Myburgh, S.J.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
1. Carotene values are given for six well-known grasses,
cut monthly from established plots under natural climatic conditions
at Onderstepoort from August, 1938, to August, 1939.
2 . If the average bovine (800 lb. body ...
Smuts, D.B.; Marais, J.S.C.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
By means of controlled metabolism experiments it was shown
that the biological value of the proteins in the natural grazing of the Transvaal varies according to the season of the year. During April the average biological ...
Smuts, D.B.; Marais, J.S.C.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
From a study on the dry matter consumption of sheep under
natural conditions of grazing, it is evident that the quantity consumed
is not a factor in the loss of weight in sheep during winter.
It appears from these ...
Marais, J.S.C.; Smuts, D.B.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
By means of paired feeding tests, it has been shown that sesamemeal is deficient in cystine and that cottonseedmeal is not deficient in this amino acid. Bran and coprameal are apparently not deficient in lysine, while the ...
Van der Merwe, P.K.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
A method of the micro determination of fluorine based on the bleaching effect of the fluorine ion towards the thorium lake of the anthraquinone dyes sodium alizarin sulphonate and alizarin Bordeaux is described. This ...
Van der Merwe, P.K.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
1. Methods are described whereby the concentration of solute
fluorides in water can be reduced to a safe level for human consumption, at a very low cost.
2. The active defluorinizing agent is derived from commercial
Malan, A.I.; Du Toit, P.J.; Groenewald, J.W.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
1. Two groups of 10 merino ewes were fed the same adequate
basal ration with the exception that one group received an addition of 0.05 gms. each daily of potassium iodide.
2. A slight depression of weight and greater ...
Monnig, H.O.; DuToit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1940)
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