Influences on the choice of health professionals to practise in rural areas

Show simple item record Couper, I.D. Hugo, Johannes F.M. Conradie, H. Mfenyana, K. 2008-06-10T07:41:09Z 2008-06-10T07:41:09Z 2007-11
dc.description.abstract BACKGROUND: Training health care professionals (HCPs) to work in rural areas is a challenge for educationalists. This study aimed to understand how HCPs choose to work in rural areas and how education influences this. METHODS: Qualitative individual interviews were conducted with 15 HCPs working in rural areas in SA. RESULTS: Themes identified included personal, facilitating,contextual, staying and reinforcing factors. Personal attributes of the HCPs, namely rural origin and/or heir value system, determine consideration of rural practice. The decision to ‘go rural’ is facilitated by exposure to rural practice during training, an understanding of rural needs and exposure to rural role models. Once practising in a rural area, the context and nature of work and the environment influence the decision to remain, supported by the role of family and friends, ongoing training and development, and the style of health service management. Personal motivation is reinforced by a positive relationship with the community, and by being an advocate and role model for the local community. Educational factors were often felt to work against the decision to practise in rural areas. DISCUSSION: The results show the complexity of the interaction between a large number of factors working together to make HCPs choose to go and stay in rural areas. Factors other than educational ones seem more important. A comprehensive approach is needed to attract and retain HCPs in rural areas. Issues for educationalists to address include helping rural-origin students to connect with their own values and communities. en
dc.format.extent 261908 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Couper, ID, Hugo, JFM, Conradie, H & Mfenyana, K 2007, 'Influences on the choice of health professionals to practise in rural areas', South African Medical Journal, vol. 97, no. 11, pp. 1082-1086. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0038-3469
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Health and Medical Publishing Group en
dc.rights Health and Medical Publishing Group en
dc.subject Health professionals en
dc.subject Influences en
dc.subject Rural areas en
dc.subject Training en
dc.subject Health care professionals en
dc.subject Health care en
dc.subject Qualitative interviews en
dc.subject Rural needs en
dc.subject Value system en
dc.subject Continuous education en
dc.subject Health educators en
dc.subject Recruitment en
dc.subject Qualitative study en
dc.subject Gender en
dc.subject Ethnicity en
dc.subject Private practice en
dc.subject Public practice en
dc.subject Health profession en
dc.subject University en
dc.subject Workplace en
dc.subject Rural exposure en
dc.subject Demographics en
dc.subject Personal factors en
dc.subject Facilitating factors en
dc.subject Staying factors en
dc.subject Composite analysis en
dc.subject Composite model en
dc.subject Role models en
dc.subject Job satisfaction en
dc.subject Financial situation en
dc.subject Relationships en
dc.subject Personal values en
dc.subject.lcsh Physicians
dc.subject.lcsh Medical personnel
dc.subject.lcsh Rural population
dc.subject.lcsh Personality and motivation
dc.subject.lcsh Physicians -- Job satisfaction
dc.subject.lcsh Medical education
dc.title Influences on the choice of health professionals to practise in rural areas en
dc.type Article en

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