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Browsing 35th Annual Southern African Transport Conference 2016 by Title
Mdlankomo, B.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
From a border orientation various industries have been liberalised and the most significant market liberalisation industry initiatives which have been made thus far are in relation to trade and transport, which is key to ...
Thoso, M.; Chibira, E.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
Passenger transport in South Africa, just like in many other developing countries has many characteristics that are generally absent from public transport systems in the first world countries. The first and prime characteristic ...
Abrahams, S.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
Surfacing seal design, in South Africa, and many parts of the world is governed mainly by empirical rules and experience guided practices. There is thus a need for a performance related seal design method, with a more ...
McLachlan, N.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
Appreciating the role of the paratransit sector in the quest for sustainable urban mobility improvements: The case for investing in paratransit capacity ? early lessons from the Cape Town N2 Express Joint Venture experience
Venter, C.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
The public transport systems being implemented under the DOT?s Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) programme generally have lower passenger demand, poorer financial performance and higher subsidy requirements than ...
Schachtebeck, C.; Mbuya, J.M.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
Poverty remains a critical challenge in developing economies, as presented in the Sustainable Development Goals. The South African government, in particular, has undertaken a number of initiatives to alleviate poverty. ...
Benade, R.; Berman, R.; Kienhofer, F.; Nordengen, P.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
In South Africa there are approximately 12.5 truck-crash-related fatalities per 100 million kilometres travelled. This is between 4 and 10 times higher than a number of European countries such as Denmark, France, Germany ...
Irlam, J.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
A study was undertaken in October 2015 to determine the barriers to cycling mobility in Masiphumelele, a low-income community in Cape Town. An initial focus group discussion informed the design of a household survey of 100 ...
Roux, M.P.; Taute, A.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
The DER-rating method has been adopted as the national standard for the rating of road structures. This method is defects-based and involves the rating of defects on the various inspections items of road structures in terms ...
Jordaan, G.; Kilian, A.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
The provision and preservation of a good transport infrastructure is a prerequisite to economic growth. To be competitive in a micro as well as macro economy, any cost associated with and influencing production and delivery ...
Roux, M.P.; Lotter, S.; Nordengen, P.A.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
In an effort to improve the effectiveness of overload control the Malawi Directorate of Road Transport and Safety Services (DRTSS) appointed two Short Term Experts from the CSIR to assist with the updating of the DRTSS?s ...
O'Connell, J.; Mturi, G.; Komba, Julius Joseph
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
Asphalt cores were sampled from four sites along a major route in Tanzania, where asphalt surfacing was constructed approximately one year ago. The bituminous binder was recovered from cores taken from the wheel path as ...
Jordaan, W.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
The Electric evolution is moving faster that anyone anticipated. This will change all aspects of transport and in particular public transport. This talk will cover some of the topics core to this evolution, including ...
Wall, Kevin; Bird, A.; Blanco-Rodriguez, P.; Kondowe, N.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
The New Skills for New Jobs project is a partnership between the European Union, the Department of Higher Education (DHET), PRASA and the CSIR. The project aims to develop a better understanding of future infrastructure ...
Das, D.; Honiball, J.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
Public parks and open recreational facilities are essential elements of healthy modern cities. The importance of the public parks in urban residential areas is uncontested from the health and environment point of view. ...
Padayachee, N.; Sunker, N.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
The provision of parking is an integral component of the transportation system in metropolitan areas. Parking for developments within these areas should be sufficient to prevent congestion and illegal parking.
Parking ...
Mashiri, M.; Chakwizira, J.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
Facilitating regional trade and commerce is vital for the Southern African Development Community (SADC). It also constitutes a pivotal policy plank for South Africa in terms of bolstering regional economic integration. ...
Wright, G.; Ribbens, H.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
The objective of the paper is to explore the relationship between crime and road safety as well as the impact of criminal activities on the road environment in South Africa. These relationships have not been fully explored ...
Das, D.; Tom, S.; Honiball, J.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
Sustainable road transportation has become a challenge particularly in the developing countries. Literature suggests that the ability of the transport system to respond to the mobility needs of people and goods is hampered ...
Aboo, S.; Robertson, E.J.
(Southern African Transport Conference, 2016)
The paper provides an overview of the approach adopted for the Go George Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) project. It discusses some of the reasoning and decisions taken, and the processes followed in getting the ...