34th Annual Southern African Transport Conference 2015

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34th Annual Southern African Transport Conference 2015


Contents Pages: 34th Annual Southern African Transport Conference 2014


Session Index/Programme


Session 1A: Traffic Management, Safety and Infrastructure

Non-motorised transport facility guidelines : what is new and why?

VanderSchuren, M.J.W.A. (Marianne); Phayane, S.; Taute, A.T. (Albertus); Ramotshwane, M. 1

The implications of persons with reduced mobility on spatial designs

Hermant, L.; Davies, L.; Shirley, K. 14

Pedestrian participation in mobility systems : the case of Bogota

Martins Goncalves, N.; Alvarez Pomar, L.; Mendez Giraldo, G. 28

Framework for sustainable walking and cycling within the City of Polokwane, South Africa : a comparative assessment

Ligege, A.; Nyarirangwe, M. 41

A methodology to assess the road accident risk as a result of direct sunlight exposure : a case study in Cape Town

Khumalo, N.; VanderSchuren, M.J.W.A. (Marianne) 54

Review of research to inform the development of a hazard perception test for novice drivers in South Africa

Venter, Karien; Sinclair, M. 76

Fatigue management : lessons from international legislation and practice

Swart, E.; Sinclair, M. 88

Session 1B: Infrastructure

Vehicle acceleration estimation using smartphone-based sensors

Bruwer, Frances; Booysen, M. 109

Telematics-based technology and the development of road condition trends from cloud-sourced data

Wessels, I.; Steyn, Wynand J.vdM. 130

Detecting potholes using simple image processing techniques and real-world footage

Nienaber, S.; Booysen, M.; Kroon, R. 137

Optimising the usage of fly ash in concrete in the construction of roadworks

Zulu, S.; Allopi, D.R. (Dhiren) 161

Fit-For-Purpose laboratory assessment of lightly stabilised fly ash material for road construction

Mgangira, M.B.; George, T.; Mokoena, R. 219

Determination of pavement number for flexible pavements using FWD deflection bowl information

Horak, Emile; Hefer, A.; Maina, J.W. (James) 187

A bilayer project optimization method for transportation infrastructure management system

Wang, H.; Chen, Z.; Li, L. 317

Session 1C: Freight and Logistics

Integrated freight and logistics strategic framework and action plan for the eThekwini municipality

Potgieter, L.; Maasdorp, G.; Moodley, L.; Sessions, P. 215

Understanding the barriers to a shift of processed food from road to rail through system dynamics

Lewis, Y.; Van der Merwe, A.B.; Cohen, B.; Naude, L. 230

Rail safety regulatory environment : a South African experience

Mashoko, L.; Shivambu, R. 242

A pro-forma design for car-carriers : low-speed performance-based standards

Benade, R.; Berman, R.; Kienhofer, F.; Nordengen, P. 253

Baseline axle load survey in Malawi - 2014

Roux, M.; Lotter, S.; Nordengen, P.A. 266

Road freight and the environment

Makamo, N.; Van Rooyen, C.; Venter, Karien 279

System dynamics as a tool for exploring greenhouse gas emission mitigation potential in freight transport

Van der Merwe, A.B.; Lewis, Y.; Cohen, B.; Naude, L. 288

Session 1D: Rural Transport/Capacity Building

The state of rural transport research in South Africa - gauging the policy shifts : 1994 - 2014

Chakwizira, J.; Mashiri, M. 301

Prospects for leveraging private sector logistics firms to support rural access to healthcare : some insights from Mozambique

Beale, J.; Mashiri, M.; Chakwizira, J. 329

Light delivery vehicle passenger transport in the Vhembe district of Limpopo province, South Africa

Munwana, T. 351

Session 1E: Urban and Public Transport

Exploring potential of public transport systems to facilitate development in the SA

Naude, S. 363

What does transit oriented development mean in a South African context? A multiple stakeholder perspective from Johannesburg

Bickford, G.; Behrens, R. 375

Articulated density : a study of its potential effects on the financial sustainability of South African BRT corridors

Cooke, S.; Behrens, R. 388

An integrated transport planning approach for Sandton - how do we balance the demands for road space

Van Jaarsveld, S.; Engelbrecht, M. 401

A travel behaviour change framework for the city of Cape Town

Behrens, R.; Adjei, E.; Covary, N.; Jobanputra, R.; Wasswa, B.; Zuidgeest, M. 412

Cooperatives as a means of paratransit reform : case studies of inter-city Matatu savings and credit cooperatives in Kenya

McCormick, D.; Orero, R.; Behrens, R.; Ommeh, M. 431

Gathering individual travel data with GPS-enabled smartphones : a proof-of-concept study

Van Dijk, J; Krygsman, S. 448

Public transport capacity provision and its sensitivity to demand estimation

Reddy, J.; Behrens, R. 461

Investigation and gap analysis of selected cycling upgrades in Cape Town and the new NMT facility guidelines

Baufeldt, J.; VanderSchuren, M.J.W.A. (Marianne) 476

Session 2A: Traffic Management, Safety and Security

A bicycling renaissance in South Africa? Policies, programmes & trends in Cape Town

Jennings, G. 486

Bike sharing in Johannesburg - trendy idea but is it financially feasible?

De Beer, L.; Valjarevic, D. 499

The development of a comprehensive cycle plan for Stellenbosch

Gordge, R.; Laing, G.; Wentzel, E. 519

Institutionalising coordinating structures to promote road traffic safety

West, C.; Dalhouzie, L. 542

Evaluation of the role of the urban planning related factors on the occurrence of traffic accidents in urban areas in South Africa - a case study in Bloemfontein city

Das, D.; Burger, E. 553

Standardisation of heavy vehicle crash investigation procedures in South Africa

Dube, S.; Davhana, M. 568

The importance of heavy vehicle driver education in South Africa

Magazi, L.; Mohammed, S. 587

Session 2B: Transport systems and Operations

Running dry : assessing the fuel levy as a long term, economically efficient road use fund

Van Rensburg, J.; Krygsman, S. 596

Finding practical solutions to cross border road transport challenges in SADC : a review of major challenges and prospects

Khumalo, S.; Chibira, E. 611

Economic-driving : a sustainable issue

Martins Goncalves, N.; Keiko Yamaguchi, C.; Roberto da Silva, C. 623

The impact of non-operationalisation of the SADC protocol and international transport agreements on cross border road transport movement in the SADC region

Monyepao, K. 636

Public transport trip generation parameters for South Africa

Onderwater, P. 645

The impact of corridor delays on cross border road transport in the SADC region : findings from research conducted by the cross-border road transport agency

Chibira, E.; Mdlankomo, B. 657

The role of management support in promoting corporate entrepreneurship within SME's in the seafreight transport industry

Schachtebeck, C.; Nieuwenhuizen, C. 670

Effective application of economic principles to border post planning and design : the Maseru bridge example

Botes, F.J.; Serero, G. 623

Law enforcement : a value adding service or an unnecessary irritation?

Mofomme, L. 697

Session 3A: IPTN/BRT

IRPTN vehicle financing options and considerations

Koch, P.; Von der Heyden, C.; De Stadler, S.; Hastings, E.; Strano, D. 708

Financing IRPTN operations : considerations for cities implementing I(R)PTNs in South Africa

Von der Heyden, C.; Laing,K.; Hastings, E.; Koch, P.; Reddy, T. 717

Towards a provincial public transport institutional framework for public and non-motorised transport transformation and improvement in the Western Cape

Ribbonaar, D.; Von der Heyden, C.; Hastings, E.; Moody, E. 731

Opportunities for public private partnerships in IRPTN infrastructure

De Stadler, S.; Von der Heyden, C. 742

Intersection and signal design for BRT : challenges, lessons learned & the road ahead

Frieslaar, A.; Jones, J.; Van der Merwe, L.; Dlamini, B. 754

Public transport interventions and transport justice in South Africa : a literature and policy review

Jennings, G. 764

Session 3B: Traffic Engineering

Effects of land use on trip generation in urban areas : comparison between estimated trip generation rates and planning practices in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Wilfred, G.; Bwire, H.; Mattsson, L.; Jonsson, D. 776

Variations in traffic count data

Chauke, V. 788

"Looking back, looking forward" : urban development and transport infrastructure in Gauteng Province

Mubiwa, B.; Mokonyama, M.; Annegarn, H. 801

Feasibility study on traffic decongestion strategies at Maseru bridge border post

Serero, G.; Van Jaarsveld, G.; De Abreu, V.; Brislin, A. 813

Assessment of traffic congestion in the central areas (CBD) of South African cities : a case study of Kimberly city

Das, D.; Keetse, M. 835

The indicative effects of inefficient urban traffic flow on fuel cost and exhaust air pollutant emissions

Moselakgomo, M.; Naidoo, M.; Letebele, M. 851

The universally accessible intersection

Frieslaar, A.; Thompson, P.; Frieslaar, R. 692

Drone-based traffic flow estimation and tracking using computer vision

De Bruin, A.; Booysen, M. 869

Non-intrusive detection, the way forward

Beyer, P. 879

Student Essay Competition

Transport as a servant of trade and its cross-border challenges : a case of Swaziland and the newly introduced immigration laws by the South African government

Khumalo, G. 889

Transportation : a tool to combat challenges in global city regions

Lionjanga, N. 692

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