Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Southern African Transport Conference 12 - 15 July 2004 "Getting recognition for the importance of transport", CSIR International Convention Centre, Pretoria, South Africa. The volumetric analysis of asphalt mixtures mainly makes use of standard laboratory design
tests. The Belgian Road Research Centre has developed an analytical computer programme
(PRADO) that assists in desktop volumetric design.
The University of Stellenbosch in co-operation with MUCH Asphalt has undertaken desktop
volumetric analysis using PRADO on two asphalt mixes, a wearing course mix and an asphalt
base mix. The analysis focussed on the determination of an optimal grading and optimal
composition of the several aggregate fractions available. It was also used to predict volumetric
properties such as voids in mineral aggregate (VMA), voids in mix (VIM) and voids filled with
bitumen (VFB). This paper presents the results of these analyses and compares the predicted
values with the actual volumetric properties as determined in standard laboratory design
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