Country-of-origin product image and willingness to purchase vitamin supplements

Show simple item record Petzer, Daniël Johannes Mostert, P.G. (Pierre) 2016-08-18T06:23:34Z 2016-08-18T06:23:34Z 2010
dc.description This article was written by P.G. Mostert before he joined the University of Pretoria. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract This article investigates the country-of-origin (COO) product image consumers hold with regard to vitamins which they perceive to originate from different countries as well as their willingness to purchase vitamins that originate from these countries. Results indicate that respondents consider the COO product image of vitamins originating from South Africa and USA equally favourably, but more favourably than Chinese vitamins. Respondents are also more willing to buy vitamins originating from South Africa than those originating from USA or China. The study also found moderate to strong correlations between the COO product image and the willingness of respondents to purchase vitamins originating from each country. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel ondersoek die land-van-oorsprong (LVO) produkbeeld wat verbruikers hou van vitamiene wat hulle meen van verskillende lande af kom. Die bereidwilligheid van verbruikers om vitamiene wat van hierdie lande afkomstig is te koop, word ook ondersoek. Resultate dui daarop dat die LVO produkbeeld vir vitamiene wat respondente meen van Suid-Afrika afkomstig is ewe gunstig is as die wat hulle glo van die VSA afkomstig is, maar baie meer postief is as vitamiene wat hulle meen van China afkomstig is. Respondente is ook meer bereidwillig om vitamiene te koop wat hulle meen van Suid-Afrika afkomstig is, as die wat hulle dink van die VSA en China afkomstig is. Die studie het ook korrelasies gevind tussen die LVO produkbeeld en die bereidwilligheid van verbruikers om vitamiene te koop wat van die onderskeie lande afkomstig is. en_ZA
dc.description.department Marketing Management en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2016 en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Petzer, D & Mostert, P 2010, 'Country-of-origin product image and willingness to purchase vitamin supplements', Acta Academica, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 88-116. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 0587-2405
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher SUN MeDIA en_ZA
dc.rights © UV/UFS en_ZA
dc.subject Consumers en_ZA
dc.subject Vitamins en_ZA
dc.subject Willingness en_ZA
dc.subject Verbruikers en_ZA
dc.subject Vitamiene en_ZA
dc.subject Bereidwilligheid en_ZA
dc.subject Country-of-origin (COO) en_ZA
dc.subject Land-van-oorsprong (LVO) en_ZA
dc.title Country-of-origin product image and willingness to purchase vitamin supplements en_ZA
dc.title.alternative Land-van-oorsprong produkbeeld en bereidwilligheid om vitamiene te koop en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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