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1939 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 13, 1939
Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??
Volume 13: Number 1
Section I: Protozoology
anaplasmosis : The transmission of Anaplasma ovis and Eperythrozoon ovis
to the Blesbuck (Damaliscus albifrons)
Neitz, WO |
9 |
Section II: Virus Diseases
Studies of the
Rickettsias of the Typhus-Rocky-Mountain-Spotted-Fever Group in South Africa.
I. Isolation of strains
Alexander, RA, Mason, JH & Neitz, WO |
19 |
Studies of the
Rickettsias of the Typhus-Rocky-Mountain-Spotted-Fever Group in South Africa.
II. Morphology and cultivation
Alexander, RA & Mason, JH |
25 |
Studies of the
Rickettsias of the Typhus-Rocky-Mountain-Spotted-Fever Group in South Africa.
III. The disease in the experimental animal. Cross-immunity tests
Mason, JH & Alexander, RA |
41 |
Studies of the
Rickettsias of the Typhus-Rocky-Mountain-Spotted-Fever Group in South Africa.
IV. Discussion and classification
Mason, JH & Alexander, RA |
67 |
Section III: Bacteriology
antigenic structure of salmonellas obtained from domestic animals and birds
in South Africa
Henning, MW |
79 |
Section IV: Parasitology
A tetrachlorethylene
emulsion as an anthelmintic
Mönnig, HO & Ortlepp, RJ |
193 |
Section V: Mineral Metabolism and
Change in body-weight
and food consumption of rats on repeated feeding of a deficiency diet
Kellermann, JH |
201 |
Section VI: Nutrition
The endogenous
nitrogen metabolism of young sheep with reference to the estimation of the
maintenance requirement of sheep
Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC |
219 |
Section VII: Toxicology and Poisonous
Chemical investigations
upon Lotononis laxa E. and Z.I. The isolation of pinitol, a fatty ester
and benzaldehyde
De Waal, HL |
229 |
Section VIII: Wool Research
The cystine content
of Merino wool in relation to its physical attributes
Rossouw, SD & Bosman, V |
237 |
Volume 13: Number 2
Section I: Protozoology
immunity in heartwater
Neitz, WO |
245 |
Section II: Virus Diseases
Rickettsiosis new to South Africa
Schulz, K |
287 |
Section III: Bacteriology
Serological variants
of Salmonella typhimurium isolated from South African animals
Henning, MW & Haig, D |
293 |
The use of anthrax
vaccines prepared from avirulent (uncapsulated) variants of Bacillus anthracis
Sterne, M |
307 |
The immunization
of laboratory animals against anthrax
Sterne, M |
313 |
Section IV: Mineral Metabolism and
On the feeding
of a phosphorus supplement to mother-reared calves, prior to weaning, under
open range conditions in Bechuanaland
Bisschop, JHR, Malan, AI, Steyn, HP & Laurence, GB |
321 |
Section V: Toxicology
Alkali poisoning
Steyn, DG |
347 |
Section VI: Nutrition
The biological
value of white fishmeal as determined on growing sheep and rats
Smuts, DB, Marais, JSC |
361 |
Section VII: Pathology
studies upon porphyrin excretion in bovine congenital porphyrinuria (pink
tooth) No. 2
Fourie, PJJ & Roets, GCS |
369 |
congenital porphyrinuria (pink tooth) inherited as a recessive character
Fourie, PJJ |
383 |
Section VIII: Wool Research
on the determination of the fibre fineness of a Merino wool sample
Bosman, V & Van Wyk, CM |
401 |
Section IX: Anatomy-Teratology
growth in the Merino sheep
Cloete, JHL |
417 |
Author index
559 |
Subject index
561 |
Recent Submissions
Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
Mason, J.H.; Alexander, R.A.; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
1.The five strains of rickettsia are discussed and compared according to the criteria suggested by Pinkerton (1936).
2. It· is concluded that they fall into two groups:
(a) Typhus group – endemic, murine or rat ...
De Waal, H.L.; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
(1) Preliminary chemical investigations upon Lotononis laxa E and Z, a dangerously toxic cyanogenetic plant to stock and occurring in the Lady Grey district, C.P., resulted in the isolation of a fatty ester, pinitol and ...
Smuts, D.B.; Marais, J.S.C.; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
In a study on the endogenous nitrogen excretion of immature sheep, it was found that young sheep reach their endogenous level on the 6th day, after having been on a standard ration of 14 per cent lucerne protein. The ...
Kellermann, J.H.; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
(1) Data are presented on the change in body weight and food intake of young mature rats during the first and second trials on diets deficient in minerals and vitamins ; minerals, vitamins and bulk; and proteins. Data are ...
Mönnig, H.O. (Hermann Otto); Ortlepp, R.J.; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
An emulsion of tetrachlorethylene is described, which is effective against hookworms in sheep (Gaigeria and Bunostomum) and against Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus and Nematodirus. The emulsion does not cause coughing and ...
Sterne, Max; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
Guinea-pigs and rabbits can be immunized against anthrax without difficulty; mice as a rule cannot. The very interesting work of Tomcsik and Bodon (1934) and Tomcsik and Ivánovic’s (1938) on the passive immunization of ...
Henning, M.W.; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
Sterne, Max; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
A technique has been described (Sterne 1937a, 1937b) for consistently obtaining avirulent, immunogenic variants from virnulent anthrax strains. The results of field and laboratory tests with vaccines prepared from such ...
Henning, M.W.; Haig, D.; Du Toit, P.J.
(The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1939)
A number of epizootics in domestic animals caused by Loefflers Bacterium typhi-murium, containing both factors IV and V, have been described by Henning (1939). In the description given here we have confined ourselves mainly ...
Mason, J.H.; Alexander, R.A.; Du Toit, P.J.
(The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1939)
1. The effect of the rickettsias of rat typhus, tick-bite fever, fievre boutonneuse, and of two other tick-bite-fever-like diseases
(" Hare " and "Appleton ") on the guinea-pig, rat, mouse, rabbit, dog, sheep, and ox is ...
Alexander, R.A.; Mason, J.H.; Du Toit, P.J.
(The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1939)
In the previous article (this journal) details were given of the source and method of isolation of five strains of rickettsia. These strains have been maintained either by serial passage in guinea pigs, or by cultivation ...
Alexander, R.A.; Mason, J.H.; Neitz, W.O.; Du Toit, P.J.
(The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1939)
Research work into heartwater, a disease of sheep, goats and cattle caused by Rickettsia ruminantium (Cowdry 1926) has been hampered to a very great extent by the lack of a susceptible small laboratory animal. Up to the ...
Cloete, J.H.L.; Du Toit, P.J.
(The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1939)
LITERATURE on prenatal growth in mammals is reviewed. A comprehensive series of measurements was made on the genital tracts of Merino ewes, 11 non-pregnant and 38 at various stages of pregnancy, and also on the foetuses. ...
Bosman, V.; Van Wyk, C.M.; Du Toit, P.J.
(The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1939)
The technique for determining the fibre fineness of a sample of wool as used in South Africa is outlined. The methods of cutting the fibre bundle into fragments and the mounting of these on a slide are described. The effect ...
Fourie, P.J.J.; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
l. In mating a bull (7015) being a carrier of the porphyrin gene (Dr) to ten unrelated heifers, 8 calves were produced. These are all clinically normal. This is regarded as evidence that the inherited character is not ...
Fourie, P.J.J.; Roets, G.C.S.; Du Toit, P.J.
(The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1939)
In this paper the authors intend to record results concerning the quantitative porphyrin excretion during different times of the year by bovines suffering from congenital porphyrinuria (pink tooth) and at the same time ...
Smuts, D.B.; Marais, J.S.C.; Du Toit, P.J.
(Pretoria : The Government Printer, 1939)
By means of nitrogen metabolism experiments with white fish meal on rats and sheep, it was found that the apparent and true digestibilities of the white fishmeal protein are respectively 79 and 97 percent with rats and 63 ...
Bisschop, J.H.R.; Malan, A.I.; Steyn, H.P.; Laurence, G.B.; Du Toit, P.J.
(The Government Printer, Pretoria, 1939)
The results are presented of an experiment to ascertain whether a regular supplement of bonemeal given to calves up to weaning age would be beneficial to their growth and development, in comparison with a comparable group ...
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