1939 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 13, 1939

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1939 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 13, 1939


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 13: Number 1

Section I: Protozoology

Ovine anaplasmosis : The transmission of Anaplasma ovis and Eperythrozoon ovis to the Blesbuck (Damaliscus albifrons) Neitz, WO 9

Section II: Virus Diseases

Studies of the Rickettsias of the Typhus-Rocky-Mountain-Spotted-Fever Group in South Africa. I. Isolation of strains Alexander, RA, Mason, JH & Neitz, WO 19

Studies of the Rickettsias of the Typhus-Rocky-Mountain-Spotted-Fever Group in South Africa. II. Morphology and cultivation Alexander, RA & Mason, JH 25

Studies of the Rickettsias of the Typhus-Rocky-Mountain-Spotted-Fever Group in South Africa. III. The disease in the experimental animal. Cross-immunity tests Mason, JH & Alexander, RA 41

Studies of the Rickettsias of the Typhus-Rocky-Mountain-Spotted-Fever Group in South Africa. IV. Discussion and classification Mason, JH & Alexander, RA 67

Section III: Bacteriology

The antigenic structure of salmonellas obtained from domestic animals and birds in South Africa Henning, MW 79

Section IV: Parasitology

A tetrachlorethylene emulsion as an anthelmintic Mönnig, HO & Ortlepp, RJ 193

Section V: Mineral Metabolism and Deficiency

Change in body-weight and food consumption of rats on repeated feeding of a deficiency diet Kellermann, JH 201

Section VI: Nutrition

The endogenous nitrogen metabolism of young sheep with reference to the estimation of the maintenance requirement of sheep Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC 219

Section VII: Toxicology and Poisonous Plants

Chemical investigations upon Lotononis laxa E. and Z.I. The isolation of pinitol, a fatty ester and benzaldehyde De Waal, HL 229

Section VIII: Wool Research

The cystine content of Merino wool in relation to its physical attributes Rossouw, SD & Bosman, V 237

Volume 13: Number 2

Section I: Protozoology

The immunity in heartwater Neitz, WO 245

Section II: Virus Diseases

A Rickettsiosis new to South Africa Schulz, K 287

Section III: Bacteriology

Serological variants of Salmonella typhimurium isolated from South African animals Henning, MW & Haig, D 293

The use of anthrax vaccines prepared from avirulent (uncapsulated) variants of Bacillus anthracis Sterne, M 307

The immunization of laboratory animals against anthrax Sterne, M 313

Section IV: Mineral Metabolism and Deficiency

On the feeding of a phosphorus supplement to mother-reared calves, prior to weaning, under open range conditions in Bechuanaland Bisschop, JHR, Malan, AI, Steyn, HP & Laurence, GB 321

Section V: Toxicology

Alkali poisoning Steyn, DG 347

Section VI: Nutrition

The biological value of white fishmeal as determined on growing sheep and rats Smuts, DB, Marais, JSC 361

Section VII: Pathology

Quantitative studies upon porphyrin excretion in bovine congenital porphyrinuria (pink tooth) No. 2 Fourie, PJJ & Roets, GCS 369

Bovine congenital porphyrinuria (pink tooth) inherited as a recessive character Fourie, PJJ 383

Section VIII: Wool Research

Notes on the determination of the fibre fineness of a Merino wool sample Bosman, V & Van Wyk, CM 401

Section IX: Anatomy-Teratology

Prenatal growth in the Merino sheep Cloete, JHL 417

Author index 559

Subject index 561

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