1939 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 12, 1939

1939 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 12, 1939


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 12: Number 1

Section I: Bacteriology

The preparation of anthrax spore vaccines (for cattle and sheep) in South Africa Sterne, M & Robinson, EM 9

Section II: Parasitology

Some helminths of South African lizards Malan, JR 21

South African helminths, Part VI. Some helminths, chiefly from rodents Ortlepp, RJ 75

Further notes on species of Trichodectidae with descriptions of new species Bedford, GAH 103

Notes on Menoponidae (Mallophaga) with descriptions of new genera and species Bedford, GAH 121

Section III: Plant Physiology and Poisonous Plants

The Senecio Alkaloids, Part I. The isolation of isatidine from Senecio retrorsus and Senecio isatideus De Waal, HL 155

Section IV: Toxicology

Water poisoning in man and animal, together with a discussion on urinary calculi Steyn, DG & Reinach, N 167

Section V: Sex Physiology

Researches into sterility of cows in South Africa. The influence of (1) dry rations and (2) lack of exercise on sexual maturity and the duration of the ovarian cycle in beef heifers Quinlan, J, Roux, LL & Van Aswegen, WG 233

Observations on the gestation period of Ronderib-Afrikaner sheep Quinlan, J, Claassens, CC, Bonsma, HC & Rose, PD 251

Section VI: Animal Industry

Methods for determining length in the merino fleece Bosman, V & Botha, ML 261

Volume 12: Number 2

Section I: Bacteriology

The use of saponin spore vaccine for inoculation against anthrax in South Africa Sterne, M, Robison, EM & Nicol, J 279

Section II: Parasitology

Observations on the life-history of Bunostomum trigonocephalum, a hookworm of sheep and goats Ortlepp, RJ 305

Section III: Mineral Metabolism and Deficiency

The effect of intermittent starvation on calcification, food utilization, and tissue composition Kellermann, JH 321

Section IV: Poisonous Plants

Recent investigations into the toxicity of known and unknown poisonous plants in the Union of South Africa. IX Van der Walt, SJ & Steyn, DG 335

Section V: Nutrition

The effect of supplementing lucerne with cystine and methionine on the growth of rats Marais, JSC & Smuts, DB 369

Section VI: Zootechny and Meat Research

Factors affecting quality in mutton and beef with special reference to the proportions of muscle, fat, and bone Hirzel, R 379

Author index 551

Subject index 552

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