1937 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 9, 1937

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1937 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 9, 1937


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 9: Number 1

Section I: Protozoal Diseases

Eperythrozoonosis in sheep Neitz, WO 9

The occurrence of Piroplasma pitheci in a vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops cloetei Roberts) in South Africa Neitz, WO 31

Section II: Virus Diseases

The transmission of heartwater to and from blesbuck (Damaliscus albifrons) by means of the bont tick (Amblyomma hebraeum) Neitz, WO 37

Section III: Bacteriology

The effects of different carbon dioxide concentrations on the growth of virulent Anthrax strains. Pathogenicity and immunity tests on guinea-pigs and sheep with anthrax variants derived from virulent strains Sterne, M 49

Section IV: Parasitology

Some undescribed species of the nematode genus Physaloptera Rud., together with a key to the sufficiently known forms Ortlepp, RJ 71

A hitherto unrecorded Filaria, Suifilaria suis, N.G. n. sp., from the domestic pig in South Africa Ortlepp, RJ 85

Whipworms from South African ruminants Ortlepp, RJ 91

The approximate distribution of the genus Glossina Curson, HH & Meitz, WO 101

Section V: Poisonous Plants

Experiments with plants alleged to be used as abortifacients and ecbolics by natives Steyn, DG 107

Recent investigations into the toxicity of known and unknown poisonous plants in the Union of South Africa VII Steyn, DG 111

Section VI: Mineral Metabolism and Nutrition

Studies in mineral metabolism. XXXVIII. Calcium and phosphorus in the nutrition of growing pigs Theiler, A, Du Toit, PJ & Malan, AI 127

The digestibility of South African feeds. I. The digestibility coefficients of some natural grasses Myburgh, SJ 165

Section VII: Toxicology

Notes upon the isolation of the alkaloidal constituent of the drug "Channa" or "Kougoed" (Mesembryanthemum anatomicum and M. tortuosum) Rimington, C & Roets, GCS 187

Chemical investigation of the plant Acalypha indica. Isolation of triacetonamine, a cyanogenetic glucoside and quebrachite Rimington, C & Roets, GCS 193

Section VIII: Sex Physiology

Studies in sex physiology no. 19. The influence of age on (a) amount and (b) nature and composition of the allantoic and amniotic fluids of the Merino ewe Malan, AI, Malan, AP & Curson, HH 205

Section IX: Photosensitisation

Studies upon the photosensitisation of animals in South Africa X. The icterogenic factor in geeldikkop. Isolation of active principles from Lippia rehmanni Pears Rimington, C, Quin, JI & Roets, GCS 225

Section X: Sheep and Wool

Wool studies II. The frequency distribution of Merino wool fibre thickness measurements Malan, AP 259

Volume 9: Number 2

Section I: Protozoal Diseases

A new piroplasm (Sauroplasma thomasi N.G. n. sp.) of a lizard (Zonurus giganteus, Smith) Du Toit, PJ 289

A new blood parasite of the fowl Coles, JDWA 301

Section II: Parasitology

South African helminths Part I Ortlepp, RJ 311

Cysticercosis in swine and bovines, with special reference to South African conditions Viljoen, NF 337

Section III: Plant Studies and Poisonous Plants

Recent investigations into the toxicity of known and unknown poisonous plants in the Union of South Africa VIII Steyn, DG 573

The distribution and possible translocation of icterogenin in Lippia rehmanni (Pears) Roets, GCS 583

Section IV: Toxicology

The toxicity of oil of turpentine for domestic animals Stey, DG 591

Section V: Mineral Metabolism and Nutrition

Osteofibrosis in equines Groenewald, JW 601

Section VI: Chemical Pathology

Veterinary biochemical studies I. A rapid method for the determination of copper in biological material Le Roux Van Niekerk, P 623

Section VII: Animal Husbandry

Animal husbandry of the Hottentots Epstein, H 631

Author index 667

Subject index 669

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