Protecting health workers from infectious disease transmission : an exploration of a Canadian-South African partnership of partnerships

Show simple item record Yassi, Annalee Zungu, Laszchevon Muzimkhulu Spiegel, Jerry M. Kistnasamy, Barry Lockhart, Karen Jones, David O’Hara, Lyndsay M. Nophale, Letshego Bryce, Elizabeth A. Darwin, Lincoln 2016-05-31T05:20:24Z 2016-05-31T05:20:24Z 2016-03-31
dc.description.abstract BACKGROUND : Health workers are at high risk of acquiring infectious diseases at work, especially in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) with critical health human resource deficiencies and limited implementation of occupational health and infection control measures. Amidst increasing interest in international partnerships to address such issues, how best to develop such collaborations is being actively debated. In 2006, a partnership developed between occupational health and infection control experts in Canada and institutions in South Africa (including an institute with a national mandate to conduct research and provide guidance to protect health workers from infectious diseases and promote improved working conditions). This article describes the collaboration, analyzes the determinants of success and shares lessons learned. METHODS : Synthesizing participant-observer experience from over 9 years of collaboration and 10 studies already published from this work, we applied a realist review analysis to describe the various achievements at global, national, provincial and hospital levels. Expectations of the various parties on developing new insights, providing training, and addressing service needs were examined through a micro-meso-macro lens, focusing on how each main partner organization contributed to and benefitted from working together. RESULTS : A state-of-the-art occupational health and safety surveillance program was established in South Africa following successful technology transfer from a similar undertaking in Canada and training was conducted that synergistically benefitted Northern as well as Southern trainees. Integrated policies combining infection control and occupational health to prevent and control infectious disease transmission among health workers were also launched. Having a national (South-South) network reinforced by the international (North–south) partnership was pivotal in mitigating the challenges that emerged. CONCLUSIONS : High-income country partnerships with experience in health system strengthening – particularly in much needed areas such as occupational health and infection control – can effectively work through strong collaborators in the Global South to build capacity. Partnerships are particularly well positioned to sustainably reinforce efforts at national and sub-national LMIC levels when they adopt a “communities of practice” model, characterized by multi-directional learning. The principles of effective collaboration learned in this “partnership of partnerships” to improve working conditions for health workers can be applied to other areas where health system strengthening is needed. en_ZA
dc.description.department School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH) en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2016 en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) under grants ROH-115212 and MOP-102669, the funding for training in Free State provided to CHSR&D and UBC from Canada’s Global Health Research Initiative, a program funded by CIHR, the Canadian International Development Agency, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the International Research Development Centre. en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Yassi, A, Zungu, M, Spiegel, JM, Kistnasamy, B, Lockhart, K, Jones, D, O’Hara, LM, Nophale, L, Bryce, EA & Darwin, L 2016, 'Protecting health workers from infectious disease transmission : an exploration of a Canadian-South African partnership of partnerships', Globalization and Health, vol. 12, art. no. 10, pp. 1-15. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1744-8603
dc.identifier.other 10.1186/s12992-016-0145-0
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher BioMed Central en_ZA
dc.rights © 2016 Yassi et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. en_ZA
dc.subject Partnership en_ZA
dc.subject Community of practice en_ZA
dc.subject North–South en_ZA
dc.subject North–South-South en_ZA
dc.subject Health worker en_ZA
dc.subject Occupational health en_ZA
dc.subject Infection control en_ZA
dc.subject South Africa (SA) en_ZA
dc.subject Tuberculosis (TB) en_ZA
dc.subject Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) en_ZA
dc.title Protecting health workers from infectious disease transmission : an exploration of a Canadian-South African partnership of partnerships en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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