Browsing Van der Waal Collection by Type "Text"

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Browsing Van der Waal Collection by Type "Text"

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  • De Beer, Daan; Andrews, Tom (Pretoria News, 1988-10-07)
    The demolition in 1934 of a historical building which had been standing on Church Square since 1890 It was known as the Transvaal Mortgage and Loan Building when it was completed around 1890."
  • Unknown; Matiyane, Titus; Malope, Solly (Culture and Recreation Deparment, City Council of Pretoria, 1999-11-16)
    A pamphlet promoting Atteridgeville as a vibrant neighbourhood with the potential of leading the African Renaissance at a local level. A brief history of the township is included.
  • Uys, Cor (Pretoria News, 1990-06-14)
    Demolition of buildings has started to make way for the city council's Verwoerd Square project - the first step in the ambitious city core scheme - on the block bounded by Church, Van der Walt, Vermeulen and Prinsloo streets.
  • Uys, Cor (Pretoria News, 1990-07-12)
    Pretoria architects have described the city council's Verwoerd Square project as not utilising a "wonderful opportunity" to create a "really imposing city square".
  • Reilly, Gerald (Business Day, 1991-02-15)
    While apartheid crumbles, Pretoria is to get a new monument to the policy's leading architect. "If we are to denigrate previous politicians, we'll have to pull down buildings, bridges and hospitals," Kraehmer said.
  • Unknown (Pretoria City Council newsletter, 1990-05)
    The project for the redevelopment of the street block between the State Theatre and Munitoria in the city centre has come another step closer to reality. The Management Committee of the City Council recently approved a ...
  • Unknown (Shree Pretoria Hindu Seva Samaj, 1980-03-09)
    History of the Pretoria Hindu Seva Samaj from 1932 to 1980.
  • Unknown (Transvaaler, 1972-02-10)
    Só lyk die groot beton-koepel van die J. C. Strijdom-monument nou.
  • Uys, Cor (Pretoria News, 1987-07-30)
    Pretoria's multimillion-rand development project is aimed at rejuvenating the city centre. As much as R500-million will be pumped into the capital's sagging city core as the private sector responds to a city council ...
  • Van der Linde, Ina (Vrye Weekblad, 1991-02-22)
    Artikel teken beswaar aan teen die feit dat die beplande Verwoerdplein in Pretoria deur die Sammy Marksplein vervang gaan word. Dit sluit 'n foto van 'n jong Hendrik Verwoerd in.
  • Unknown (Transvaler, 1985-11-15)
    AFRIKAANS SUMMARY: Twee bakens in die hoofstad, Strijdomplein en die Stadsaal, is stadig maar seker besig om ‘n gedaanteverwisseling te ondergaan.
  • Le Roux, Schalk Willem; Holm, Dietmar Erik; Jordaan, Gerrit J.; University of Pretoria. Dept. of Architecture; Du Toit, A.H.; City Council of Pretoria (Architecture SA, 1989-05)
    "Pretoria's civic architecture bears the stamp of Sytze Wierda, the architect who interpreted President Paul Kruger's vision of the new Republic. This had domestic and international aspects. The former pertained to the ...
  • Unknown (2006-07-27)
    Die perseel van die Ou Markplein in Pretoria is in die nuwe Strijdomplein omskep. Die monument vir die voormalige Eerste Minister J. G. Strijdom is op 31 Mei 1972 deur sy weduwee, mev. Susan Strijdom, onthul. Kort geskiedenis ...
  • Meiring, Hannes (Foto-Rapport, supplement to Rapport, 1975-09-21)
    Artikel oor die ou Nasionale Bank en Muntgebou, wat as een van die juwele in die wesfasade van Pretoria se Kerkplein beskou word. Kort geskiedenis van die gebou en 'n skets van die vooraansig deur Hannes Meiring is ingesluit.
  • Unknown (Volkstem, Die, 1930-04-29)
    AFRIKAANS SUMMARY:Argitek Gerard Moerdijk se plan om Pretoria se stadsuitleg te verbeter. 'n Geskikte terrein vir 'n nuwe stadsaal word ook op 'n tekening van die ontwerp aangedui.
  • Strydom, Johan (Rapport, 1990-12-02)
    Terwyl al hoe meer stemme opgaan teen 'n standbeeld van dr. H.F. Verwoerd in Pretoria se middestad, het die planne van twee van die drie beeldhouers wat skaalmodelle geskep het, ondanks geheimhouding aan die lig gekom. ...
  • Meiring, A.L. (Suid-Afrikaanse Panorama, 1962-10)
    "KERKPLEIN in Pretoria het in meer as een opsig geskiedkundige waarde. Daar is onder meer 'n interessante boukundinge verhaal verbonde aan die geboue wat vroeër op en om Kerkplein gestaan het en die geboue wat vandag nog ...
  • Jordaan, Gerrit Jacobus (Architecture SA, 1989-05)
    "Placemaking in Pretoria is considered under universal, cultural and contextual aspects. The cross of Church and Paul Kruger Streets with the Central Church surrounded by the 'mandala' are universal aspects which are ...
  • Booyens, Johan (Rapport, 1991-02-17)
    AFRIKAANS SUMMARY: Konstruksiewerk deur Murray en Roberts aan die Sammy Marksplein-projek van R215 miljoen in Pretoria het dié week begin en die eerste sooi word môre seremonieel deur die burgemeester, mnr. François Morkel, ...