Browsing Arthur (Articles) by Title

Browsing Arthur (Articles) by Title

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  • Buffenstein, Rochelle; Amoroso, Vincent; Andziak, Blazej; Avdieiev, Stanislav; Azpurua, Jorge; Barker, Alison J.; Bennett, Nigel Charles; Brieno-Enriquez, Miguel A.; Bronner, Gary N.; Coen, Clive; Delaney, Martha A.; Dengler-Crish, Christine M.; Edrey, Yael H.; Faulkes, Christopher G.; Frankel, Daniel; Friedlander, Gerard; Gibney, Patrick A.; Gorbunova, Vera; Hine, Christopher; Holmes, Melissa M.; Jarvis, Jennifer U. M.; Kawamura, Yoshimi; Kutsukake, Nobuyuki; Kenyon, Cynthia; Khaled, Walid T.; Kikusui, Takefumi; Kissil, Joseph; Lagestee, Samantha; Larson, John; Lauer, Amanda; Lavrenchenko, Leonid A.; Lee, Angela; Levitt, Jonathan B.; Lewin, Gary R.; Hardell, Kaitlyn N. Lewis; Lin, TzuHua D.; Mason, Matthew J.; McCloskey, Dan; McMahon, Mary; Miura, Kyoko; Mogi, Kazutaka; Narayan, Vikram; O’Connor, Timothy P.; Okanoya, Kazuo; O’Riain, M. Justin; Park, Thomas J.; Place, Ned J.; Podshivalova, Katie; Pamenter, Matthew E.; Pyott, Sonja J.; Reznick, Jane; Ruby, J. Graham; Salmon, Adam B.; Santos-Sacchi, Joseph; Sarko, Diana K.; Seluanov, Andrei; Shepard, Alyssa; Smith, Megan; Storey, Kenneth B.; Tian, Xiao; Vice, Emily N.; Viltard, Mélanie; Watarai, Akiyuki; Wywial, Ewa; Yamakawa, Masanori; Zemlemerova, Elena D.; Zions, Michael; St. John Smith, Ewan (Wiley, 2022-02)
    The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) has fascinated zoologists for at least half a century. It has also generated considerable biomedical interest not only because of its extraordinary longevity, but also because ...
  • Hurter, Jan W. (Agri Connect, 2021-06)
    Scattered across the vast and barren plains of the pro-Namib desert, mysterious patches of soil devoid of any vegetation occur. You would think that a desert is naturally void of any form of life, but a desert, in itself, ...
  • Jordaan, Gerrit Jacobus; Steyn, Wynand Jacobus Van der Merwe (MDPI, 2022-03)
    The developing world has been faced with high rates of unemployment, exasperated by extended enforced lockdowns due to the Pandemic. Pressure is mounting for drastic intervention to accelerate economic growth and to ...
  • Wassermann, Johannes Michiel (North-West University, 2021)
    In this article, the variety of experiences of Natal Afrikaner women as British subjects who were related by blood and culture to the Boers of the Republics of the Transvaal and the Orange Free State, with which the ...
  • Buitendag, Johan; Simut, Corneliu Cristian (AOSIS, 2021-05-19)
    This article's premise is that science holds the promise of deepening religious perspectives on creation. The natural sciences have convincingly proved that nature is not static, or a ready-made creation dropped from heaven. ...
  • Moolla, Naazneen; Viljoen, Natalie; Patharoo, Venessa; Grobbelaar, Antoinette A.; Ismail, Arshad; Weyer, Jacqueline (American Society for Microbiology, 2021-08-26)
    We report a nearly complete genome sequence of Ndumu virus (NDUV) identified using a metagenomics approach. The sequence was derived from a viral isolate obtained from a bovine calf following a diagnostic investigation ...
  • Deneweth, Jan; Van de Peer, Yves; Vermeirssen, Vanessa (BMC, 2022-01)
    BACKGROUND: Transposable elements (TE) make up a large portion of many plant genomes and are playing innovative roles in genome evolution. Several TEs can contribute to gene regulation by influencing expression of nearby ...
  • Nabet, Cecile; Kone, Abdoulaye K.; Dia, Abdoulaye K.; Sylla, Moussa; Gautier, Magali; Yattara, Mohammed; Thera, Mahamadou A.; Faye, Ousmane; Braack, L.E.O.; Manguin, Sylvie; Beavogui, Abdoul H.; Doumbo, Ogobara; Gay, Frederick; Piarroux, Renaud (BioMed Central, 2021-01-09)
    BACKGROUND : Anopheles species identification is essential for an effective malaria vector control programme. Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) has been developed ...
  • Boon, Richard G.C.; Van Wyk, Abraham Erasmus (Braam) (Magnolia Press, 2023-03-02)
    Recently the genus Phyllogeiton was reinstated to accommodate the two currently recognized species of Berchemia, namely P. discolor and P. zeyheri, which are confined to Africa and Madagascar. In the present contribution ...
  • Garland, Rebecca M.; Wernecke, Bianca; Feig, Gregor Timothy; Langerman, Kristy (National Association for Clean Air, 2021)
    Ambient air quality standards are a key policy lever in air quality management. In South Africa, the introduction of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) highlighted the shift in the focus of air quality ...
  • Bisschop, S.P.R. (Shahn); Peters, Andrew; Domingue, Gil; Pearce, Michael C.; Verwey, Jeanette; Poolman, Petrus (F1000Research, 2021-12)
    BACKGROUND : This study determined whether the naturally attenuated, thermotolerant Newcastle disease vaccine virus I-2 could acquire virulence after five in vivo passages through SPF chickens. METHODS : Study design was ...
  • Tesfamariam, Eyob Habte; Malobane, Elvis M.; Cogger, Craig G.; Mbakwe, Ikenna (International Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, 2021-06)
    Wastewater treatment and post-treatment drying techniques play a crucial role on the fertilizer value of biosolids. The aim of this study was to investigate: the nitrogen fertilizer value of biosolids from selected ...
  • Managa, Lavhelesani R.; Du Toit, Elsa Sophia; Prinsloo, Gerhard (MDPI, 2021-04-15)
    Moringa oleifera Lam. is one of the world’s most useful medicinal plants. Different parts of the M. oleifera tree contain a rich profile of important minerals, proteins, vitamins, and various important bioactive compounds. ...
  • Skosana, Z.; Von Gottberg, A; Olorunju, S.; Mohale, T.; Du Plessis, M.; Adams, T.; Mbelle, Nontombi Marylucy (Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2021-02)
    BACKGROUND. Pneumococcal carriage studies provide a baseline for measuring the impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs). The advent of conjugate vaccines has led to reductions in vaccine serotypes (VTs) in ...
  • Geldenhuys, Genna-Leigh; Mason, Yvonne C.; Dragan, George C.; Zimmermann, Ralf; Forbes, Patricia B.C. (American Chemical Society, 2021-09-13)
    Volatile and semivolatile organic compounds in ambient air and occupational settings are of great concern due to their associated adverse human health and environmental impacts. Novel graphene wool samplers have been ...
  • De los Rios, Asuncion; Garrido‑Benavent, Isaac; Limon, Alicia; Cason, Errol D.; Maggs‑Kolling, Gillian; Cowan, Don A. (Springer, 2022-05)
    The ventral surfaces of translucent rocks from hot desert pavements often harbor hypolithic microbial communities, which are mostly dominated by cyanobacteria. The Namib Desert fog belt supports extensive hypolithic ...
  • Kleynhans, Janke; Sathekge, Mike Machaba; Ebenhan, Thomas (MDPI, 2021-08-24)
    The rationale for application of nanotechnology in targeted alpha therapy (TAT) is sound. However, the translational strategy requires attention. Formulation of TAT in nanoparticulate drug delivery systems has the potential ...
  • Wingren, Maria; Lidstrom-Holmqvist, Kajsa; Roshanaic, Afsaneh Hayat; Arvidsson, Patrik; Janeslatt, Gunnel; White, Suzanne; Holmefur, Marie (Taylor and Francis, 2021)
    BACKGROUND: Time management skills are essential to maintain occupations in everyday life. People with neurodevelopmental or mental disorders often experience persistent difficulties with managing time and organizing ...
  • Sigcau, Kwanele; Van Rooyen, Ignatius Leopoldus; Hoek, Zian; Brink, Hendrik Gideon; Nicol, Willie (MDPI, 2022-05)
    Phytoremediation technologies are employed worldwide to remove nutrient pollutants from agricultural and industrial wastewater. Unlike in algae-based nutrient removal, control methodologies for plant-based remediation ...
  • Miller, Brian S.; Balcazar, Naysa; Nieukirk, Sharon; Leroy, Emmanuelle C.; Aulich, Meghan; Shabangu, Fannie Welcome; Dziak, Robert P.; Lee, Won Sang; Hong, Jong Kuk (Nature Research, 2021-01)
    Since 2001, hundreds of thousands of hours of underwater acoustic recordings have been made throughout the Southern Ocean south of 60° S. Detailed analysis of the occurrence of marine mammal sounds in these circumpolar ...