The meaning and implications of Ruth 4:5 : a grammatical, socio-cultural and juridical investigation

Show simple item record De Vaal-Stanton, Milda 2016-03-14T12:39:28Z 2016-03-14T12:39:28Z 2015
dc.description.abstract Uncertainty about the meaning of the problematic word compilation in its specific context in Ruth 4:5 creates a lack of clarity on the events which take place in Ruth 4. Such lack of clarity is reflected in the diversity of ancient and modern translations of this verse. It is uncertain whether the Moabite immigrant Ruth is described as also selling the land or whether she is merely seen as part of the sale transaction. The traditional view implies that a levirate marriage is involved in the narrative of this chapter. This interpretation creates multiple juridical problems. This article proposes that a usufruct is sold rather than land. Understanding and applying this legal concept can correct the misunderstanding of the verse. The problem is approached through a syntactical and grammatical analysis and justified in terms of the ideology in the book of Ruth. It is suggested that Ruth 4:5 should be rendered with, “The day you acquire the (right/usufruct in respect of) the field from the hand of Naomi and from (the hand of) Ruth, the Moabite woman, the wife of the deceased, you (also) acquire (her) in order to maintain the name of the deceased over his inheritance.” en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2015 en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Milda de Vaal-Stanton, “The Meaning and Implications of Ruth 4:5: A Grammatical, Sociocultural and Juridical Investigation,” Old Testament Essays 28 no. 3 (2015): 674-693. DOI: 10.17159/2312-3621/2015/v28n3a7. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1010-9919
dc.identifier.other 10.17159/2312-3621/2015/v28n3a7
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Old Testament Society of South Africa en_ZA
dc.rights Old Testament Society of South Africa en_ZA
dc.subject Ruth 4:5 en_ZA
dc.subject Women’s inheritance rights en_ZA
dc.subject Usufruct en_ZA
dc.subject Redemption en_ZA
dc.subject Levirate marriage en_ZA
dc.subject.other Humanities articles SDG-10
dc.subject.other SDG-10: Reduced inequalities
dc.title The meaning and implications of Ruth 4:5 : a grammatical, socio-cultural and juridical investigation en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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