Helminth parasites in the endangered Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis

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dc.contributor.author Van Kesteren, F.
dc.contributor.author Piggott, K.J.
dc.contributor.author Bengui, T.
dc.contributor.author Kubri, S.B.
dc.contributor.author Mastin, A.
dc.contributor.author Sillero-Zubiri, C.
dc.contributor.author Paris, Monique C.J.
dc.date.accessioned 2015-12-14T08:07:26Z
dc.date.issued 2015-07
dc.description.abstract Ethiopian wolves, Canis simensis, are an endangered carnivore endemic to the Ethiopian highlands. Although previous studies have focused on aspects of Ethiopian wolf biology, including diet, territoriality, reproduction and infectious diseases such as rabies, little is known of their helminth parasites. In the current study, faecal samples were collected from 94 wild Ethiopian wolves in the Bale Mountains of southernEthiopia,betweenAugust 2008andFebruary 2010,andwere screened for the presence of helminth eggs using a semi-quantitative volumetric dilutionmethodwithmicroscopy.We found that 66 of the 94 faecal samples (70.2%) contained eggs from at least one group of helminths, including Capillaria, Toxocara, Trichuris, ancylostomatids, Hymenolepis and taeniids. Eggs of Capillaria sp. were found most commonly, followed by Trichuris sp., ancylostomatid species and Toxocara species. Three samples contained Hymenolepis sp. eggs, which were likely artefacts from ingested prey species. Four samples contained taeniid eggs, one of whichwas copro-polymerase chain reaction (copro-PCR) and sequence positive for Echinococcus granulosus, suggesting a spillover from a domestic parasite cycle into this wildlife species. Associations between presence/absence of Capillaria, Toxocara and Trichuris eggs were found; and egg burdens of Toxocara and ancylostomatids were found to be associated with geographical location and sampling season. en_ZA
dc.description.embargo 2016-01-31
dc.description.librarian hb2015 en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship Institute for Breeding Rare and Endangered African Mammals (IBREAM), the Born Free Foundation and the Wildlife Conservation Network. University of Salford. en_ZA
dc.description.uri http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=JHL en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Van Kesteren, F, Piggott, KJ, Bengui, T, Kubri, SB, Mastin, A, Sillero-Zubiri, C, Paris, M, Millar, RP, Macdonald, DW, Shiferaw, F & Craig, PS 2015, 'Helminth parasites in the endangered Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis, Journal of Helminthology, vol. 89, no. 4, pp. 487-495. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 0022-149X (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1475-2697 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1017/S0022149X14000534
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/51177
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Cambridge University Press en_ZA
dc.rights © Cambridge University Press 2014 en_ZA
dc.subject Helminth parasites en_ZA
dc.subject Endangered en_ZA
dc.subject Ethiopian wolf en_ZA
dc.subject Canis simensis en_ZA
dc.title Helminth parasites in the endangered Ethiopian wolf, Canis simensis en_ZA
dc.type Postprint Article en_ZA

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