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UCTD (39)
SDG-09: Industry, innovation and infrastructure (14)
Limit equilibrium model (13)
Numerical modelling (4)
Pillar failure (4)
Pillar strength (4)
Underground coal mines (4)
Ventilation (4)
Blasting -- South Africa (3)
Crush pillars (3)
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) (3)
Deep-level mining (3)
Flyrock (3)
Mining rate (3)
Pillaring (Mining) (3)
Risk management (3)
Rock mechanics (3)
Safety (3)
Spontaneous combustion (3)
Virtual reality (3)
African gold mine (2)
Areal support (2)
Backfill (2)
Blast analysis (2)
Blast damage (2)
Bord and pillar layout (2)
Coal mines (2)
Coal mines and mining -- South Africa (2)
Coal mines and mining -- South Africa -- Safety measures (2)
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) (2)
Continuous miner (CM) (2)
Costs (2)
Displacement discontinuity (2)
Displacement discontinuity modelling (2)
Dust concentration (2)
Energy (2)
Energy dissipation (2)
Explosives (2)
Extraction (2)
Fast marching method (2)
Fracture (2)
Goaf gas drainage (2)
Gold mine (2)
Gold mines (2)
Health (2)
Interactive safety training (2)
Klopperbos research centre (2)
Laboratory tests (2)
Leadership (2)
Longwall mining (2)
Methane (2)
Mine design (2)
Mining engineering (2)
Mining engineering -- South Africa (2)
Mining industry (2)
Modelling (2)
Multi-reef mining (2)
Opencast mining (2)
Optimization (2)
Pillar design (2)
Pillar layout (2)
Pillar stress (2)
Platinum mines and mining (2)
Problem solving (2)
Simulation (2)
South Africa (SA) (2)
South African mines (2)
Surface coal mine (2)
Tabular stope (2)
Technical efficiency (2)
TEXAN code (2)
4.0D Leadership (1)
Accreditation (1)
Active barriers (1)
Active block (1)
Air cooler (1)
Alumina-chrome refractory bricks (1)
Analytic properties (1)
Analytical hierarchical process (1)
Artisanal and small-scale mining (1)