Sterf bed van Willem Hendrik de Derde, Koning van Engeland

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Show simple item record Unknown 2008-04-04T10:00:40Z 2008-04-04T10:00:40Z 1702
dc.description Prince Willem III (1650-1702) of the Netherlands became King William I after the glorious revolution in 1688. This is him on his death bed in 1702. He was married to Mary Stuart II of England. en
dc.format.extent 369833 bytes
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.identifier.other 218761
dc.language.iso Dutch en
dc.rights University of Pretoria en
dc.subject Prins Willem III en
dc.subject King William I en
dc.subject King of England en
dc.subject Prince of the Netherlands en
dc.subject.lcsh Netherlands -- History en
dc.subject.lcsh World War, 1939-1945 en
dc.title Sterf bed van Willem Hendrik de Derde, Koning van Engeland en
dc.title.alternative Death bed of Willian Hendrik the Thrid, King of England en
dc.type Image en

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