Boer shells

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Show simple item record Caney, B.W.
dc.contributor.other Provenance photograph collection
dc.coverage.spatial The photos generally illustrate the Pretoria and Johannesburg area from the 1880s to the 1920s. 2015-07-10T08:26:22Z 2015-07-10T08:26:22Z Unknown
dc.description Boere-ammunisie van artilleriestukke en kleingewere - 'n somber herinnering aan die stryd wat deur die Boeremagte vir bykans drie jaar teen die Britse magte volgehou is. en_ZA
dc.format.mimetype jpeg
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.rights © Richard Wade (Digital collection). en_ZA
dc.subject Boer en_ZA
dc.subject Shells en_ZA
dc.subject Anglo-Boer War en_ZA
dc.subject.lcsh Pretoria (South Africa) -- History -- Photographs
dc.subject.lcsh Johannesburg (South Africa) -- History -- Photographs
dc.subject.lcsh South African War, 1899-1902 -- Photographs
dc.title Boer shells en_ZA
dc.type Image en_ZA

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