The Colletotrichum destructivum species complex–hemibiotrophic pathogens of forage and field crops

Show simple item record Damm, Ulrike O'Connell, R.J. Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias Crous, Pedro W. 2015-06-05T08:35:03Z 2015-06-05T08:35:03Z 2014-10-28
dc.description.abstract Colletotrichum destructivum is an important plant pathogen, mainly of forage and grain legumes including clover, alfalfa, cowpea and lentil, but has also been reported as an anthracnose pathogen of many other plants worldwide. Several Colletotrichum isolates, previously reported as closely related to C. destructivum, are known to establish hemibiotrophic infections in different hosts. The inconsistent application of names to those isolates based on outdated species concepts has caused much taxonomic confusion, particularly in the plant pathology literature. A multilocus DNA sequence analysis (ITS, GAPDH, CHS-1, HIS3, ACT, TUB2) of 83 isolates of C. destructivum and related species revealed 16 clades that are recognised as separate species in the C. destructivum complex, which includes C. destructivum, C. fuscum, C. higginsianum, C. lini and C. tabacum. Each of these species is lecto-, epi- or neotypified in this study. Additionally, eight species, namely C. americaeborealis, C. antirrhinicola, C. bryoniicola, C. lentis, C. ocimi, C. pisicola, C. utrechtense and C. vignae are newly described. en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2015 en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Damm, U, O'Connell, RJ, Groenewald, JZ & Crous, PW 2014, 'The Colletotrichum destructivum species complex–hemibiotrophic pathogens of forage and field crops', Studies in Mycology, vol. 79, pp. 49-84. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 0166-0616 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1872-9797 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1016/j.simyco.2014.09.003
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS) en_ZA
dc.rights © 2014, CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre en_ZA
dc.subject Anthracnose en_ZA
dc.subject Ascomycota en_ZA
dc.subject Glomerella en_ZA
dc.subject Phylogenetics en_ZA
dc.subject Systematics en_ZA
dc.title The Colletotrichum destructivum species complex–hemibiotrophic pathogens of forage and field crops en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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