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Daily Sketch: Recent submissions

  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-12)
    A fire heroine [photo] -- Society women as landworkers [photo's] -- Stop-the-warlawyer in court -- Watching briefs at the economic conference -- McKenna's little worries -- Post office held for 109 years by one family -- ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-18)
    Compulsion for all a dummy egg [photo's] -- No restaurant cars or tourist tickets -- Is Britain doing her utmost? -- "Our sheet anchor" -- No "recruiting crisis": cabinet statement to-day -- Germany's change of tone -- The ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-06)
    The men who 'strafed' a Zep [photo's] -- Four more of the rebel leaders executed -- Comic opera rebellion in the west -- Clanricarde millions -- British fleet brings down 2 Zeppelins in two days -- Nurse makes the most of ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-05)
    Wandsworth's own u-boat fighter [photo's] -- Townshend's last message: "the fortunes of war" -- Commons majority for compulsion bill-292 -- Compulsion for all -- The archbishop and the blinded soldiers -- Echoes of the ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-22)
    The real old summer time [photo's] -- Treason centres abound in our midst -- Has Mr. Asquith solved the Irish problem? -- Brilliant success of the first willett day -- Battles in the air: Germans lose many machines -- The ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-21)
    'Anzac' Birdwood home at last [photo] -- V.C. for real fighting parson -- 'Percy' court-martialled -- Holidays as usual -- Von der Giltz the dynamiter -- Russian reinforcements for France -- Easter dawn and antichrist -- ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-11)
    Asquith sees what war really is [photo] -- Army officer writes 1,000 love letters -- They are all "sisters under their skins" -- Sir Herbert tree's reply to critics -- French victory at Neuville shatters German hopes -- ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-02)
    The Big Zeppelin that is used for baby=killing [photo's] -- 90 bombs dropped by Zeppelin raiders -- Mr. Hilaire Belloc on critical days -- Girls of "educated middle-class" -- British bayonet charge completes German rout ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-05-28)
    Italians in London hail "the day" [photo's] -- Air bombs kill 2 women and injure others -- How to live more cheaply in war-time -- Murder by Germans in the trenches -- The sixth battleship lost in the Dardanelles -- Cut ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-05-22)
    The critic is as bad as the slacker [photo] -- All that is left of the glories of Ypres -- Mobilise the country's manhood -- The full story of the cabinet crisis -- Trust Kitchener, the man with Britain behind him -- Two ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-05-15)
    A Grim fight for the trenches in the Carpathians [photo's] -- Germans taken away in moving-vans -- What about "paper" Englishmen? -- Degrading the Kaiser -- Victorious French continue advance towards Lille -- Our muddled ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-17)
    Nelsons still at England's call [photo's] -- Who is holding up Lloyd George's plans? -- The "baby" of the wilts -- How a Nelson got to the front -- British capture 1,000 yards of trenches near Ypres -- From words to deeds ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-15)
    Before the altar at the edge of the battlefield [photo's] -- The national cabinet at work -- Debts driving men out of the army -- The wail of the baker -- Indians cheer heart of wistful Queen -- Steady advance of the French ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-12)
    Our lads are fighting for these kiddies [photo's] -- America demands assurances from Berlin -- Women as "really hard workers" -- Poverty robs Britain of her officers -- German line pierced once more by the French -- The ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-10)
    Chamberlain's home as empire's hospital [photo's] -- 3rd dragoon guard's great fight at hooge -- Why is our child death rate so high? -- "A play only women can understand" -- America's warning: fleet kept in eastern waters ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-05)
    "Should Germany win-God help labour" [photo's] -- We want more shells and less red tape -- British gains and losses in France and Flanders -- Full speed ahead -- Echoes of town and round about -- What women are doing -- ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-03)
    When the "Lizzie's" guns are stilled [photo] -- what the king thinks of Lord Kitchener -- Men who are risking reputation -- Liberal M.P demands national register -- Curses for English on Prince Rupprecht's birthday -- ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-05-31)
    The first foothold in the Dardanelles [photo's] -- National ministry's junior members -- Helping the maimed soldiers -- Ministers' families' part in the war -- Germany unrepentant for murder of Americans -- the red badge ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-05-21)
    The Alley of death and glory [photo] -- Kupferle, the German spy, hangs himself -- Mr. G.K Chesterton on the war -- Kitchener's call for more men -- Italy decides to fight on the side of the allies -- Must it be conscription? ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-05-20)
    The alley-ways of death [photo's] -- National cabinet to carry war to a successful end -- Railways must be kept clear for troops and guns -- Sweethearts and sisters of fighting men [photo's] -- Coalition & ammunition -- ...