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Daily Sketch: Recent submissions

  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-19)
    A pretty fete to help the blue cross fund [photo's] -- Two-fold penalty for enemy trading -- "Hard luck, warneford!" -- A wonderful series of war photographs -- British artillery slaughters Huns at Festubert -- On the death ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1915-06-24)
    London draper one of the latest V.C.s [photo's] -- Britain's reply to Lemberg -- Echoes of town and round about -- It is up to us to see that German trickery fails -- Lemberg fails, but Russian army remains intact -- Queen ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-11)
    Irish viceroy resigns [photo's] -- 500,000 Homes in peril: worry your M.P about it now -- Irish discontent to be debated in commons today -- "We have no quarrel with you" -- All present -- Echoes of the town -- What women ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-10)
    Irish rebel chief's surrender [photo's] -- Dare Huns repeat battle-cruiser raids -- No more cold joints for Tommy -- Best of the charity matinees -- "Germany knows we must conquer"-Mr. Asquith -- America no catspaw -- What ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-04)
    Birrell resigns: the ruined city he left behind him [photo's] -- 3 Rebel leaders executed-Mr. Birrell resigns -- Zeppelin L 20 wrecked: raider breaks in two -- Before the charge -- What follows? -- Echoes of the town -- ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-20)
    Thrilling stories of the sea: from admiral to middy,heroes all [photo's] -- Breaking pledges to the attested -- Boy who slept while his ship was torpedoed -- Prices of theatre seats -- Another peace leader in court --Prime ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-24)
    A fair setting to a noble cause [photo's] -- How to win the war, by Winston Churchill -- Lord Kitchener praises new compulsion bill -- The Queen amongst the flowers -- Desperate German attacks shattered by the French -- ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-17)
    Constantinople bombed: progress towards kut [photo's] -- Building England afresh -- Fashions in ailments -- The lonely funeral of the lonely Marquis -- Persevering with Percy -- British airmen drop bombs on Constantinople ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-09)
    Sinn Fein president arrested: premier on death sentences -- Compulsory state service from all -- New tribunals for the married men -- Sixpence a copy paid for the daily sketch -- Daylight saving to become law -- Four more ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-15)
    The men who killed English babies [photo's] -- Compulsion for the youths of eighteen -- Two queens at drury lane war matinee -- More merriment at Kingston barracks -- True story of Lord Clanricarde's life -- America's ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-01)
    The battle of Dublin: eighteen officer casualties in the Sherwood foresters [photo's] -- Germany's hand in the Dublin rebellion revealed -- Rebel leader orders his followers to surrender -- Gallant little garrison of Kut ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-14)
    A conscientious objector's first day in the army [photo's] -- No compulsion for all-at present -- A conscience in a blanket -- 'A bit of spying' for Mr. Pemberton Billing, M.P -- Floods and hurricane bar the road to kut ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-30)
    The Woman's part in the great call [photo] -- General Townshend tells his own story -- McKenna's little spur to patriotism -- Workers will work instead of playing -- Will burglar invaders attack Salonika front? -- Suppose ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-23)
    Irish misgovernment: ex-viceroy's disclosures [photo's] -- The reign of misrule in Dublin castle -- Sixpenny quart scandal -- Lord Kitchener on tender consciences -- British positions on the vimy ridge penetrated -- Fight ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-11)
    Soldier guest of the monks [photo's] -- For liberty and for peace -- Armed man chased over Piccadilly flat -- Work for Clifford Allen -- Marvel of Gallipoli position -- Fresh attacks at St. Eloi: Huns swept from trenches ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-25)
    Mum's the word [photo's] -- The secret session -- L.L.P. would end war to-day-if it could -- Anzac day to-day -- Bank holiday raid on Dover -- Sir Roger Casement captured-Zepp raid last night -- The Anzacs at the abbey -- ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-04-28)
    Martial law for all Ireland [photo's] -- New compulsion bill dies a few hours after birth -- Sir John Maxwell military dictator in Ireland -- Lowestoft and naval supremacy -- Joining up -- Echoes of the town -- Summer dress ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-20)
    Americans' mission-looking at battlefields [photo's] -- How Dublin castle sat on the safety valve -- Official revelations of the great Loos attack -- One of our air-scouts homeward bound [photo] -- For this relief much ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-16)
    Casement's Irish accusers [photo's] -- The Casement "invasion" story told for the first time -- More consideration for the small business men -- The peace we fight for -- Echoes of the town -- Sarah Bernhardt plays to the ...
  • Daily Sketch (1909-1971); Robinson, William Sugden (Edward Hulton & Co. (London & Manchester), 1916-05-12)
    The tube of death [photo's] -- Will it be too late once more? -- Boycotting the sixpenny quart -- South Africa's gift to British wounded -- Sheehy Skeffington smiled at death -- Premier goes to Ireland to see for himself ...