A consumer’s fundamental right to equality in terms of the Consumer Protection Act and the role of the promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act

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dc.contributor.author Barnard, Jacolien
dc.contributor.author Kok, Anton
dc.date.accessioned 2015-03-16T05:36:52Z
dc.date.available 2015-03-16T05:36:52Z
dc.date.issued 2015-02
dc.description.abstract The purpose of this contribution is to examine the provisions of Part A (sections 8 to 10) of the Consumer Protection Act1 that regulate the fundamental consumer right to equality in the consumer market. It is the first time in the history of consumer law in South Africa that the right to equality entrenched in section 9 of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution is now also a specific fundamental consumer right available to consumers in terms of the CPA. The provisions of Part A of the CPA is unique in the sense that the test for unfair discrimination in the consumer market is based on one or more of the grounds of unfairness in terms of either section 9 of the Constitution or Chapter 2 of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act.2 In addition, the equality court is given exclusive jurisdiction over this Part of the CPA, a divergence from the routes of redress available to consumers in terms of section 69 of the CPA or the civil courts in the case of a contravention of Part G of the CPA (dealing with the consumer’s right to fair, just and reasonable terms and conditions). Section 8 which lists various forms of unfair discrimination is analysed and discussed as well as section 9 in terms of which certain differentiation by suppliers in the supply of goods or services (and the marketing thereof) may be justified with particular reference to minors and persons of at least 60 years of age. The presumption of unfair discrimination in section 10 is also investigated. Pertinent issues resulting from the analyses are discussed, including situations of price discrimination, students and “elderly persons” (persons of at least 60 years of age) as consumers, the role of the equality court as well as situations where not only the consumer’s right to equality but also other fundamental consumer rights may be infringed upon simultaneously. The contribution is summarised by way of a conclusion and recommendations. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Die verbruiker se fundamentele reg op gelykheid ingevolge die Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming en die rol van die Wet op Bevordering van Gelykheid en die Voorkoming van Onbillike Diskriminasie. Die doel van hierdie bydrae is om die bepalings van Deel A van die Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming 68 van 2008 (WVB) te ondersoek. Deel A reguleer die verbruiker se fundamentele verbruikersreg van gelykheid in die verbruikersmark in Suid-Afrika. Die bepalings (artikels 8–10) in Deel A is uniek in die sin dat die toets vir onbillike diskriminasie in die verbruikersmark gebaseer is op een of meer van die gronde van onbillike diskriminasie soos in óf artikel 9 van die Grondwet óf Hoofstuk 2 van die Wet op Bevordering van Gelykheid en die Voorkoming van Onbillike Diskriminasie 4 van 2000 (Wet op Gelykheid) vervat. Daarbenewens word eksklusiewe jurisdiksie aan die gelykheidshof toegeken oor hierdie deel van die WVB, ’n afwyking van die roetes van regstelling wat normaalweg vir verbruikers ingevolge die WVB beskikbaar is. Artikel 8 wat ’n lys van verskeie vorme van onregverdige diskriminasie verskaf, word ontleed en bespreek asook artikel 9 ingevolge waarvan sekere differensiasie deur verskaffers in die verskaffing van goedere of dienste geregverdig kan word. Artikel 10 bied ’n vermoede van onregverdige diskriminasie asook ’n bepaalde bewyslas wat krities ondersoek word. en_ZA
dc.description.librarian hb2015 en_ZA
dc.description.uri http://www.lexisnexis.co.za en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Barnard, J & Kok, A 2015, 'A consumer’s fundamental right to equality in terms of the Consumer Protection Act and the role of the promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act', Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch Law/Tydskrif Vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg, vol. 78, no.1, pp. 1-24. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1682-4490
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/44001
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher LexisNexis en_ZA
dc.rights LexisNexis en_ZA
dc.subject Consumer’s fundamental right en_ZA
dc.subject Consumer Protection Act en_ZA
dc.subject Wet op Bevordering van Gelykheid en die Voorkoming van Onbillike Diskriminasie en_ZA
dc.subject Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming 68 van 2008 (WVB) en_ZA
dc.subject Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act en_ZA
dc.subject Verbruiker se fundamentele verbruikersreg en_ZA
dc.title A consumer’s fundamental right to equality in terms of the Consumer Protection Act and the role of the promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act en_ZA
dc.title.alternative Verbruiker se fundamentele reg op gelykheid ingevolge die Wet op Verbruikersbeskerming en die rol van die Wet op Bevordering van Gelykheid en die Voorkoming van Onbillike Diskriminasie en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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