A narrative on the stress and coping of an educator in inclusive education. Several studies explore the stress and coping skills ofteachers in inclusive education, both nationally and internationally. Even though these studies often combine qualitative methods in their research design, the narratives of the educators who are involved in inclusive education often get compartmentalized during the data analysis process as the themes start to emerge. In this study we endeavored to explore a singular narrative of an educator in inclusive education, in order to serve the purpose of an individualized and nuanced interpretation of the data and the opportunity to give a voice and identity to
an educator as she shared her narrative of stress and coping in an inclusive classroom. Data were collected by means of diary entries, an open-ended interview and electronic communication. The data were then considered in terms of the characters, context, conflicts, actions, plots and the solution to problems. They were then used to re-tell the narrative along three dimensions: interactions, continuity, and
situations. In post-foundational times we search for formats in which knowledge can be presented differently, in order to contribute to different knowledge. This article forms part of this search.