The African state : an administrative dilemma

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Show simple item record Thornhill, Christopher 2014-07-31T11:24:54Z 2014-07-31T11:24:54Z 2013-09
dc.description.abstract Most articles and books attend to the practising of the public administration and management in countries with stable well established governments and career public offi cials. It is assumed that a government is operating in accordance with policies sanctioned by the legislature. The legislature is operating in terms of the country’s constitution and public offi cials are appointed in accordance with specifi c legislation determining qualifi cations and service conditions. It is furthermore accepted that service conditions are formalised; that every employee is appointed in a clearly demarcated position; and that salaries are paid regularly. No real research had been done regarding the operation of public administration in countries with unstable governments and with employees subjected to political interference. In the case of e.g. Somalia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Sudan/Southern Sudan and Mali governments are unstable and for all intents and purposes unable to perform their governing functions effectively. The question to be addressed is whether public administration could be practised in accordance with the generally accepted principles or guidelines and functions performed by offi cials in leadership positions. Attention will be devoted to the challenge offi cials face in delivering services in the absence of clear and consistent policies or even inconsistent or confl icting policies. Another dilemma facing the public sector in such countries is uncertainty in budgeting as revenue sources are unstable and may not be available when expenditure is incurred. The availability of personnel is uncertain as employees are deployed according to political whim or are simply dismissed without recourse as the central personnel agency is not operational. In some instances no clear organisational structures exist due to political infi ghting as in the case of Zimbabwe where co-ministers were appointed. This uncertainty results in offi cials being in a quandary as far as instructions and even accountability are concerned. The article will address the challenges faced in countries struggling to repair the damages caused by civil strife and to render the basic services without proper organisational structures, uncertain budget allocations and in the absence of a proper corps of offi cials trained in the operations of a civil government. en_US
dc.description.librarian am2014 en_US
dc.identifier.citation Thornhill, C 2013, 'The African state : an administrative dilemma', African Journal of Public Affairs, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 67-79. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1997-7441
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher African Consortium of Public Administration en_US
dc.rights African Consortium of Public Administration en_US
dc.subject Governmental stability en_US
dc.subject Leadership en_US
dc.subject Economic considerations en_US
dc.subject Policy challenges en_US
dc.subject Organisational implications en_US
dc.subject Unstable government en_US
dc.subject Public administration en_US
dc.title The African state : an administrative dilemma en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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