Verantwoordelike evangelisasie in die teenwoordigheid van God : 'n teologiese refleksie

Show simple item record Nel, Malan 2007-12-11T11:32:13Z 2007-12-11T11:32:13Z 2007
dc.description.abstract Evangelism never was a popular concept or ministry. Two of the critical reasons for this might be the lack of real theological reflection on Evangelism from a holistic missional perspective on the one hand and, on the other hand, the way in which it has often been done. This research only mentions and summarises some of these approaches. The purpose is to explore a theological approach from the vantage point of the incarnation. A second departure point is taken about the important role that discipleship, within a Kingdom perspective, plays in the making of disciples as evangelism. While the implications for methodology are not spelt out in any detail, such implications are in a sense logically implied. en
dc.format.extent 249454 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Nel, M 2007, 'Verantwoordelike evangelisasie in die teenwoordigheid van God : 'n teologiese refleksie', Practical Theology in South Africa / Praktiese Teologie in Suid-Afrika, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 98-117. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 1010-8017
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en
dc.publisher Society for Practical Theology in South Africa en
dc.rights Society for Practical Theology in South Africa en
dc.subject Evangelism en
dc.subject.lcsh Evangelistic work en
dc.subject.lcsh Mission of the church en
dc.subject.lcsh Christian life en
dc.title Verantwoordelike evangelisasie in die teenwoordigheid van God : 'n teologiese refleksie afr
dc.title.alternative Responsible evangelism in the presence of God : a theological reflection en
dc.type Article en

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