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Taxonomy (14)
Botryosphaeriales (2)
Phylogeny (2)
Adoretopsis (1)
Amphisphaeriaceae (1)
Aplosporella (1)
Arabuko Sokoke Forest (1)
Biology (1)
Botanical Research And Herbarium Management System (BRAHMS) (1)
Brown spot of rice (1)
Ceratocystidaceae (1)
Chafers (1)
Cheliceral teeth (1)
Convention on biodiversity (1)
Crab spiders (1)
Cylindrocarpon (1)
Dispensable chromosome (1)
Electronic images of plant specimens (1)
Eucalyptus (1)
Evolution (1)
Ficus spp. (1)
Field crop diseases (1)
Flora (1)
Forest pathogen (1)
Gap analysis (1)
Genomes of fungi (1)
Global Plants Initiative (GPI) (1)
Global strategy for plant conservation (1)
Gorongosa National Park (1)
Graminicolous fungi (1)
Helminthosporoid genera (1)
Herbarium specimens (1)
Host pattern (1)
Hypopholis (1)
Ilyonectria (1)
JSTOR Global Plants (JGP) (1)
Kenya (1)
Leroya (1)
Molecular phylogeny (1)
Morphology (1)
Morphometrics (1)
Morphotaxa (1)
Mozambique (1)
Multigene analyses (1)
Mycosphaerella leaf disease (1)
Mystarini (1)
Neonectria (1)
New combinations (1)
New species (1)
Nilo Forest (1)
Nomenclatur (1)
Nomenclature (1)
Online (1)
Paramystaria (1)
Parasitodiplogaster (1)
Pegylidius (1)
Pegylis (1)
Pestalosphaeria (1)
Pestalotia (1)
Pleosporales (1)
Proceratium arnoldi clade (1)
Proceratium stictum clade (1)
Proceratium toschii clade (1)
Redescription (1)
Sali Forest (1)
South Africa (SA) (1)
Southern Africa (1)
Southern corn leaf blight (1)
Sporadic pests (1)
Syconia (1)
Synonym (1)
Tanzania (1)
Teratosphaeria nubilosa (1)
Tiarosporella (1)
Tree health (1)
Vascular plants (1)
White grubs (1)