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Research Articles (Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences)
For inquiries regarding this collection or items in the collection, please
contact Elsa Coertze
+27 12 420 4796
Recent Submissions
Borresen, Jill; Celie, Bert; Laubscher, Ria; Bac, Martin; Wood, Paola; Camacho, Tanya Chantelle de Sousa; Nolte, Kim; Schwellnus, Marianne; Basu, Debashis; Schwellnus, Martin Peter
(Taylor and Francis, 2024)
The personal health behaviours, including physical activity, of healthcare professionals influence their counselling practices as they relate to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). However, despite the importance of producing ...
Steyn, B.J.M. (Barend Johannes Marthinus); Nolte, Kim
(Frontiers Research Foundation, 2021-11-10)
The concept of ego has various meanings in the field of psychology, depending on
the paradigmatic and theoretical framework point of departure. The ego phenomenon
as operationalized and measured in the theoretical framework ...
Botha, Janine; Van der Klashorst, Engela
(Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2020)
The development of skilled athletes and players is an important step towards creating a winning
sporting nation. Even though there are a variety of approaches that can be used to develop the sport
skills of young athletes, ...
Goslin, Anneliese E. (Anna Elizabeth)
(Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2020-12)
The global survival and revitalization of physical education (PE) in schools have been the priority
of experts and lobbyists for decades. On the African continent, especially, efforts to reawaken PE
escalated in the ...
Van der Klashorst, Engela; Safarikova, Simona
(LAM Publications Limited, 2018-12)
Twitter is a social platform that has become well-known for the controversial opinions posted by politicians and celebrities. Caster Semenya became an overnight topic on Twitter with an overwhelming number of people posting ...
Jooste, J.; Kruger, A.; Steyn, B.J.M. (Barend Johannes Marthinus); Edwards, D.J.
(LAM Publications Limited, 2016-03)
Investigation of essential competencies in present-day sport psychology practice is critical to
keeping the training, education and regulation standards of applied sport psychology (ASP)
practitioners at the forefront ...
Nolte, Kim; Nolte, Heinrich W.; Van der Merwe, Reon A.; Van der meulen, Julia; Helena, Cindy A.
(Ergonomics Society of South Africa, 2016)
The measurement of skinfold thickness by means of skinfold callipers (SC) is a widely accepted method to assess subcutaneous fat thickness and percentage body fat (%BF). Ultrasound imaging (USI) is a more recent technology ...
Jooste, Julius; Kruger, Ankebé; Steyn, B.J.M. (Barend Johannes Marthinus); Edwards, David John
(Routledge, 2015-11)
This article probed and contextualised the strong parallels between meditation derived
mindfulness and Rogers’s humanistic person-centred (PC) approach. This was done through a
conceptual and evaluative literature review ...
Goslin, Anneliese E. (Anna Elizabeth); Van der Klashorst, Engela; Kluka, Darlene Ann; Van Wyk, Johannes G.U.
(The Australian Association of Adult and Community, 2016-04)
Community-university partnerships through service-learning have
progressively developed as part of institutions of higher education’s
mission statements. This paper explores the qualitative reflections of
410 undergraduate ...
Mathunjwa, M.L.; Mugandani, S.C.; Ngcobo, M.; Djarova-Daniels, T.; Ivanov, S.
(Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2015-12-31)
The research was aimed at identifying the anthropometric, physical and physiological
characteristics of junior Taekwondo athletes to achieve an international status. Data were
collected from 25 males and 11 females aged ...
Goslin, Anneliese E. (Anna Elizabeth); Sere, M.G.O.; Kluka, Darlene Ann
(Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2015-12)
The mandate of public local government is to provide services to constituents to improve overall quality of life. Local governments are increasingly pressured to provide services that reflect value for taxpayers' money and ...
Steyn, B.J.M. (Barend Johannes Marthinus); Steyn, Margaretha Helena; Maree, David J.F.; Panebianco-Warrens, Clorinda Rosanna
(Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2015-06)
The primary aim of this research was to evaluate whether the cross-over from Sport Psychology
to the Psychology of Music in terms of the knowledge base, intervention Psychological Skills
Training (PST) protocols and ...
Goslin, Anneliese E. (Anna Elizabeth); Kluka, Darlene Ann
(South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 2015)
This study aimed to explore the provision of public recreation to the citizens of South Africa under two distinct political ideologies of ‘Apartheid’ and the current democratic political system. Results from this qualitative ...
Grant, C.C. (Catharina Cornelia); Janse van Rensburg, Dina Christina; Pepper, Michael Sean; Du Toit, Peet J.; Wood, Paola Silvia; Ker, James A.; Kruger, P.E. (Pieter Ernst); Grobbelaar, C.W. (Craig); Nolte, Kim; Fletcher, F.; Grant, T.C. (Thelani)
(Medpharm Publications, 2014)
BACKGROUND : Fitness is defined in the health context as a state of good health or physical condition, primarily as a result of
exercise and proper nutrition. Conventional methods of measuring fitness are expensive, time ...
Nongogo, P.; Goslin, Anneliese E. (Anna Elizabeth); Van Wyk, Johannes G.U.
(AJPHERD (South Africa), 2014-12)
This historical review examines the background to the struggles against inequality, discrimination and the fight to deracialise South African sport. South Africa has a long history of racial discrimination. The struggles ...
Van der Klashorst, Engela; Goslin, Anneliese E. (Anna Elizabeth)
(Africa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance, 2014-12)
This review article presents the contribution of rhythm as socio-cultural contributor to the dominance of East-African distance athletes. It aimed to qualitatively review similarities between growing up in music, bodily ...
Billson, John Henry; Kruger, P.E. (Pieter Ernst)
(Ergonomics Society of South Africa (ESSA), 2014)
Low back pain has become one of the most influential musculoskeletal disorders of
modern society. Exercise has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of
chronic low back pain. The goal of the study was to test ...
Goslin, Anneliese E. (Anna Elizabeth); Kluka, Darlene Ann
(Southern African Alliance for Sport Science, Physical Education and Recreation, 2014)
Traditional beliefs, cultural expectations and attitudes regarding the position of women in society still exist in the sub-Saharan African patrimonial society. Gender inequality in Africa’s regional and national sport ...
Edwards, David John; Steyn, B.J.M. (Barend Johannes Marthinus); Buscombe, Richard M.; Edwards, Stephen D.; Denyer, Philip; Grobbelaar, Heinrich W.
(Southern African Alliance for Sport Science, Physical Education and Recreation, 2014)
The contemporary science of sport and exercise psychology requires the standardisation of mental skills questionnaires to facilitate accurate assessment of and intervention for individuals and groups in various health and ...
Nolte, Kim; Steyn, B.J.M. (Barend Johannes Marthinus); Kruger, P.E. (Pieter Ernst); Fletcher, Lizelle
(Health and Medical Publishing Group, 2014)
OBJECTIVE. To determine the attitudes, beliefs and knowledge of talented young athletes residing in Gauteng regarding prohibited
performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) and anti-doping rules and regulations.
METHODS. This was ...
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