This article reports on a study that explored the experiences of HIV-positive domestic helpers in their families of employment in South Africa. A primary theoretical assumption for the study was
to acknowledge the domestic helper as an integral part of the extended family of the employer. A grounded theory approach was utilised to analyze the data generated during in-depth interviews with fourteen domestic helpers (n=14). Responses captured in audio recordings were transcribed
and analysed. The textual data was then analysed and interpreted based on open, axial and selective coding. From this coding process four themes emerged as the ways in which HIV positive domestic helpers construct their experiences within the families. Findings indicate that the participants in this study construct their experiences around the following main themes that emerged, e.g. sparcity of conversations about HIV & AIDS, limited knowledge about HIV & AIDS, changed attitudes of employers with resulting change in work-related responsibilities
and unchanged attitudes in the children in the families of employment. A particularistic scrutiny of the data and research results indicates that participants who experience visible symptoms of HIV & AIDS may forewarn employers when domestic helpers are HIV-positive. The domestic helpers in this study experienced fluctuating negative attitudes, reduction of job content and
retrenchment with concomitant financial repercussions for them and their biological families. However, the participants in this study indicated that the attitude of employers’ children towards them remained positive after diagnosis. This significant finding served an affirming purpose for
the participants in the study. AFRIKAANS : Die artikel rapporteer oor ’n studie wat die ervarings van MIV-positiewe huiswerkers binne hulle werkgewersgesinne verken het. ’n Grondslagteoretiese benadering is gevolg om die data te analiseer wat tydens in-diepte onderhoude met 14 huiswerkers gevoer is. Die bevindinge van die studie dui
aan dat die deelnemers in hierdie studie hulle ervaring rondom vier temas konstrueer, naamlik: i)beperkte gesprekvoering rakende MIV & VIGS; ii) beperkte kennis rakende MIV & VIGS; iii)veranderde houdings van werkgewers en gepaardgaande wysigings aan werksladings; en iv)onveranderde houdings by die kinders in die werkgewersgesinne. Die studie beklemtoon die weerloosheid van MIV-positiewe huiswerkers in Suid-Afrika en ook die belangrikheid van voortgaande bekendmaking van toepaslike inligting rakende MIV-positiewe diagnoses.