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UCTD (16)
South Africa (3)
Property insurance (2)
Risk management (2)
Actuarial Science (1)
Actuarial science (1)
Attribution (1)
Black-Scholes models (1)
Cape Town (1)
Catastrophe modelling (1)
Density forecasting (1)
Derivatives (1)
Discounting (1)
Diversification (1)
Earthquake risk (1)
Equal weight (1)
Equity markets (1)
Errors (1)
Financial engineering (1)
Global equity markets (1)
Gutenberg-Richter (1)
Hattendorff’s theorem (1)
Hedging (1)
Illiquid markets (1)
Insurance (1)
Insurance risk management (1)
Insurance statistical methods (1)
Lebesgue-stieltjes integration (1)
Lewensversekeringsbedryf in Suid-Afrika (1)
Life assurance industry in South Africa (1)
Modelling techniques (1)
Natural and agricultural sciences theses SDG-08 (1)
Natural and agricultural sciences theses SDG-17 (1)
Natural castrophes (1)
Option Pricing (1)
Parameter estimates (1)
Point processes (1)
Portfolio construction (1)
Portfolio management (1)
Portfolio optimisation (1)
Probabilistic seismic risk assessment (1)
Protests (1)
Quantitative finance (1)
Rate of return (1)
Real-world probabilities (1)
Recovery theorem (1)
Return modelling (1)
Safe retirement withdrawal rates (1)
SDG-08: Decent work and economic growth (1)
SDG-17: Partnerships for the goals (1)
Simulation (1)
Social unrest (1)
south african equities (1)
Stochastic portfolio theory (1)
Stochastic processes (1)
Stochastic volatility models (1)
Systematic trading strategies (1)
Thiele’s differential equation (1)
Uncertainties (1)
VAR (1) model (1)
Volatility (1)