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Patriarchy (1)
Patrick Brontë (1)
Patrilinear time (1)
Paul ricoeur (1)
Pedagogic notion of "standard english" (1)
Pelgrimsverhale (1)
Personal poetry (1)
Peter Snyders (1)
Phenomenology (1)
Philip Dick (1)
Philip zhuwao (1)
philosophical hermeneutics (1)
Physical theatre (1)
Picture books (1)
Pierre bourdieu (1)
Plaasroman (1)
Plain Language (1)
Plain Language definition (1)
Platonic (1)
Poems (1)
Poetic language (1)
Political joke (1)
Popular fiction (1)
Portia Gumede (1)
Post-apartheid literature (1)
Post-apartheid South African literature in English (1)
Post-colonialism (1)
Post-farm-invasions era (1)
Post-transitionality (1)
Postcolonial Caribbean poetry (1)
Postcolonialism (1)
Postmodern hero (1)
Power (1)
Pragmatics (1)
Pre-democratic South African literature in English (1)
Prenteboeke (1)
Primary modelling system (1)
Primary readers scheme (1)
Primary schools (1)
Primary World (1)
Principle of equality (1)
Product (1)
pseudo-azeotrope (1)
Queer African literature (1)
Queer Literature (1)
Queer Spaces (1)
Queer Theory (1)
Queer theory (1)
Qur'an (1)
Qur’anic teachings (1)
Rainbow nation (1)
Rape (1)
Raymond williams (1)
Readers skills (1)
Reception theory (1)
Recuperative language (1)
Remythologization (1)
Representation (1)
Reza de wet (1)
Rhodesia/zimbabwean society (1)
Robert Pearce (1)
Romanticism (1)
SA Partridge (1)
Said (1)
School stories (1)
Schuster anne – foolish delusions (1)
Science fiction american history and criticism (1)
Science-Fiction (1)
SDG-04: Quality education (1)
SDG-10: Reduces inequalities (1)
Second wave feminism (1)
Secondary modelling system (1)
Secondary World (1)
Selected post-apartheid texts (1)
Self in literature (1)
self-help (1)
Self-sacrificing people (1)
Semiotics (1)
Setwork selection (1)
Shakespeare william – ‘the rape of lucrece’ (1)