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UCTD (43)
Cricket (2)
Fatigue (2)
Recreation (2)
Sport and recreation (2)
5-ht (serotonin) (1)
Aandagtekort-hiperaktiwiteitsversteuring (ATHV) (1)
Active stiffness (1)
Ad libitum water replacement (1)
Adjuvant therapies (1)
Aggressiewe-progressiewe oefening (1)
Aggressive-progressive exercises (1)
Akademiese prestasie (1)
Amateur level (1)
Anterior kruisligament rekonstruksie (1)
anthropocentrism (1)
Anthropometric (1)
Antropometriese (1)
Aërobiese kapasiteit (VO2maks) (1)
Aërobiese oefening (1)
Balans (1)
Bekwaamheid (1)
Biokinetics (1)
Biokinetika (1)
Biomechanics (1)
Biomeganiese (1)
Blood-lactate (1)
Bonding social capital (1)
Botswana Defence Force (BDF) (1)
Brain deprived neurotrophic factor (bdnf) (1)
Brain tumor (1)
Brein ontnemende neutrofiese factor (bdnf) (1)
Breinfunksie (1)
Bridging social capital (1)
Bykomende terapie (1)
Capacity management (1)
Care giver (1)
Care giver challenges (1)
Caught behind (1)
City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality (CTMM) (1)
Coaching (1)
Cognitive-behavioural techniques (1)
Competence (1)
Creatine monohydrate (1)
Depressie (1)
Depression (1)
Development (1)
Disability (1)
Doeloriëntasie (1)
Doeltreffendheid (1)
eco-centrism (1)
eco-sensitivity (1)
Efficacy (1)
Ego orientation (1)
Ego oriëntasie (1)
Electrolyte responses (1)
Elite athletes (1)
Elite sportswomen (1)
Elite umpire (1)
Embodied cultural capital (1)
Emotional developmet (1)
Energy absorption (1)
environmental literacy (1)
Excellence (1)
Exercise and lifestyle intervention (1)
Exercise intervention (1)
Failure (1)
Fear avoidance behaviour (1)
Fitness programs (1)
Fixed mindset (1)
Flexibility (1)
Fluid (1)
Fmea profiele (1)
Fmea profiling (1)
Forward dynamics (1)
Full working capacity adults (1)
Game (1)
Gedrag (1)
Gender stereotyping (1)
General health (1)