1991 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 58, 1991

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1991 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Volume 58, 1991


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 58: Number 1

Laboratory confirmation of African horsesickness in the Western Cape : application of a F(ab')2-based indirect ELISA Du Plessis, DH, Van Wyngaardt, W, Gerdes, GH & Opperman, E 1

The use of a membrane feeding technique to determine the infection rate of Culicoides imicola (Diptera : Ceratopogonidae) for 2 bluetongue virus serotypes in South Africa Venter, GJ, Pajor, ITP, Nevill, EM & Hill, E 5

Parasites of South African wildlife. VI. Helminths of blue duikers, Cephalophus monticola, in Natal Boomker, JDF, Booyse, DG & Keep, ME 11

Parasites of South African wildlife. VII. Helminths of suni, Neotragus moschatus, in Natal Boomker, JDF, Booyse, DG & Braack, LEO 15

The antibiotic sensitivity patterns of Bacillus anthracis isolated from the Kruger National Park Odendaal, MW, Pieterson, PM, De Vos, V & Botha, AD 17

The biochemical, morphological and virulence profiles of Bacillus anthracis isolated in the Kruger National Park Odendaal, MW, Pieterson, PM, De Vos, V & Botha, AD 21

Drag-sampling of free-living ixodid ticks in the Kruger National Park Spickett, AM, Horak, IG, Braack, LEO & Van Ark, H 27

Copper toxicity in ruminants: air pollution as a possible cause Gummow, B, Botha, CJ, Basson, AT & Bastianello, SS 33

A reduction in the duration of infection with Trichomonas foetus following vaccination in heifers and the failure to demonstrate a curative effect in infected bulls Herr, S, Ribeiro, LMM, Claassen, E & Myburgh, JG 41

Photosensitivity in South Africa. VI. The experimental induction of geeldikkop in sheep with crude steroidal saponins from Tribulus terrestris Kellerman, TS, Erasmus, GL, Coetzer, JAW, Brown, JMM & Maartens, BP 47

Research communication:

Reproductive parameters in free-ranging female black rhinoceroses (Diceros bicornis) in Zimbabwe Kock, N, Morton, D & Kock, M 55

Volume 58: Number 2

Health status of salmonids in river systems in Natal. I. Collection of fish and parasitological examination Bragg, RR 59

Health status of salmonids in river systems in Natal. II. Isolation and identification of viruses Bragg, RR 63

Health status of salmonids in river systems in Natal. III. Isolation and identification of bacteria Bragg, RR 67

The effect of tick infestation on the productivity of cows of three breeds of cattle Scholtz, MM, Spickett, AM, Lombard, PE & Enslin, CB 71

A gas-chromatographic headspace method for the determination of acetone in bovine milk, blood and urine Winterbach, HEK & Apps, PJ 75

A review of the ixodid ticks (Acari, Ixodidae) occurring in Southern Africa Walker, JB 81

Research communications:

Prevalence of ruminant pestivirus infections in Namibia Depner, K, Hubschle, OJB & Liess, B 107

A serological comparison of complement fixation reactions using Brucella abortus and B. melitensis antigens in B. abortus infected cattle Herr, S, Brett, OL, Ribeiro, LMM & Lawrence, JV 111

Volume 58: Number 3

Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXV. Ixodid ticks on sheep in the north-eastern Orange Free State and in the eastern Cape Provinces Horak, IG, Williams, EJ & Van Schalkwyk, PC 115

Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXVI. The mosaic of ixodid tick infestations on birds and mammals in the Mountain Zebra National Park Horak, IG, Fourie, LJ, Novellie, PA & Williams, EJ 125

Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXVII. Ticks on helmeted guineafowls in the eastern Cape Province and eastern Transvaal Lowveld Horak, IG, Spickett, AM, Braack, LEO & Williams, EJ 137

The prevalence of blood parasites in helmeted guineafowls, Numida meleagris, in the Kruger National Park Earle, RA, Horak, IG, Huchzermeyer, FW, Bennett, GF, Braack, LEO & Penzhorn, BL 145

Overberg research projects. X. Faecal egg counts in the interpretation of nematode worm burdens in sheep Reinecke, RK & Groeneveld, HT 149

Afrotropical Culicoides: C. (Avaritia) miombo sp. nov., a widespread species closely allied to C. (A.) imicola Kieffer, 1913 (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) Meiswinkel, R 155

T cell-mediated immunity to Cowdria ruminantium in mice: the protective role of Lyt-2+ T cells Du Plessis, JL, Berche, P & Van Gas, L 171

The relative resistance of six cattle breeds to the tick Boophilus decoloratus in South Africa Rechav, Y & Kostrzewski, MW 181

Ultrastructural morphology of Cowdria ruminantium in midgut epithelial cells of adult Amblyomma hebraeum female ticks Hart, A, Kocan, KM, Bezuidenhout, JD & Prozesky, L 187

Parasites of South African wildlife. VIII. Helminth and arthropod parasites of warthogs, Phacochoerus aethiopicus, in the eastern Transvaal Boomker, JDF, Horak, IG, Booyse, DG & Meyer, S 195

Parasites of South African wildlife. IX. Helminths of kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros, in the eastern Cape Province Boomker, JDF, Horak, IG & Knight, MM 203

Parasites of South African wildlife. X. Helminths of red duikers, Cephalophus natalensis, in Natal Boomker, JDF, Horak, IG & Flamand, JRB 205

The pathology of Cestrum laevigatum (Schlechtd) poisoning in cattle Van der Lugt, JJ, Nel, PW & Kitching, JP 211

Sweating sickness : relative curative effect of hyperimmune serum and a precipitated immuno-globulin suspension and immunoblot identification of proposed immunodominant tick salivary gland proteins Spickett, AM, Burger, DB, Crause, JC, Roux, EM & Neitz, AWH 223

Volume 58: Number 4

The tick-borne rickettsia Cowdria ruminantium has a chlamydia-like development cycle Jongejan, F, Zandbergen, TA, Van de Wiel, PA, De Groot, M & Uilenberg, G 227

Treatment of Cyprinus carpio L. and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) embryos with formalin and malachite green : effect of concentration and length of treatment on their survival Theron, J, Prinsloo, JF & Schoonbee, HJ 239

Investigations into the effects of concentration and duration of exposure to formalin and malachite green on the survival of the larvae and juveniles of the common carp Cyprinus carpio L. and the sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) Theron, J, Prinsloo, JF & Schoonbee, HJ 245

Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa XXVIII. Helminths and arthropod parasites of Angora goats and kids in Valley Bushveld Horak, IG, Knight, MM & Williams, EJ 253

Parasites of domestic and wild animals in South Africa. XXIX. Ixodid ticks on hares in the Cape Province and on hares and red rock rabbits in the Orange Free State Horak, IG & Fourie, LJ 261

Parasites of South African wildlife. XI. Description of a new race of Cooperia rotundispiculum Gibbons & Khalil, 1980 Boomker, J 271

Parasites of South African wildlife. XII. Helminths of nyala, Tragelaphus angasii, in Natal Boomker, JDF, Horak, IG & Flamand, JRB 275

Ixodid ticks and lice infesting red duikers and bushpigs in north-eastern Natal Horak, IG, Boomker, JDF & Flamand, JRB 281

Overberg research projects. XI. First stage larval reduction test to assess, anthelmintic efficacy ante mortem in sheep Reinecke, RK, Lourens, M & Petersen, B 285

Cardiomyopathy of ruminants induced by the litter of poultry fed on rations containing the ionophore antibiotic, maduramicin. 1. Epidemiology, clinical signs and clinical pathology Fourie, N, Bastianello, SS, Prozesky, L, Nel, PW & Kellerman, TS 291

Perinatal mortality in lambs of ewes exposed to cultures of Diplodia maydis (=Stenocarpella maydis) during gestation Kellerman, TS, Prozesky, L, Schultz, RA, Rabie, CJ, Van Ark, H, Maartens, BP & Lubben, A 297

Research communications:

Isolation and identification of adenovirus 127, the causative agent of egg drop syndrome (EDS) from commercial laying hens in South Africa Bragg, RR, Allwright, DM & Coetzee, L 309

Spread in South Africa of the Oriental latrine fly Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), an introduced species closely resembling Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve Braack, LEO 311

Author index 313

Subject index 320

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