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Filter by: Subject

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UCTD (135)
Information systems (7)
ICT4D (5)
Framework (4)
Information Systems (4)
Information technology (4)
Internet (4)
Sustainability (4)
Technology (4)
Unrestricted (4)
Business intelligence (3)
Conceptual framework (3)
Ict4d (3)
Information and communication technology (3)
Information management (3)
Organisation (3)
SDG-09: Industry, innovation and infrastructure (3)
Business strategy (2)
Change management (2)
Communication (2)
Computational Thinking (2)
Data warehousing (2)
E-commerce (2)
Electronic commerce (2)
Grounded theory (2)
ICT for development (2)
Ict for development (2)
Information (2)
Information systems development (2)
Information Technology (2)
Knowledge management (2)
Ontology (2)
Open source software (OSS) (2)
Organisational learning (2)
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (2)
Social media (2)
South Africa (2)
Structuration theory (2)
Systems thinking (2)
Theory of communicative action (2)
Academic integration (1)
Academic performance (1)
Action research (1)
Activism (1)
Actor network theory (1)
Actor-network theory (1)
Actor-Network Theory (ANT) (1)
Adaptive structure theory (1)
Adoption (1)
Adoption and use of ict (1)
Adoption models (1)
Agile (1)
Agile teams (1)
Alignment (1)
Ant (1)
Ant approach (1)
Anthropomorphism (1)
Approach (1)
Artefact (1)
Artificial intelligence computer programmes (1)
Autopoiesis (1)
autopoiesis (1)
Banking industry (1)
Banking unbanked (1)
Barriers (1)
Benefits (1)
Bi-directional influence (1)
Big data (1)
Biodiversity management (1)
Biometrics (1)
Bitcoin (1)
Blockchain (1)
Blockchain technology (1)
Bourdieu (1)
Bpr (1)
Broadband connectivity (1)
Building blocks (1)
Business (1)
Business continuity management (1)
Business information services (1)