Pretoria nuusbrief, 2013.09

Show simple item record Swanepoel, Rosa
dc.contributor.editor Van Niekerk, Karlien 2013-09-19T14:11:57Z 2013-09-19T14:11:57Z 2013-09-10 2013-09
dc.description Copy of a word document in pdf compiled by Rosa Swanepoel, discussing the Wagon Wheel circle which used to be where the crossing between Roger Dyason and Voortrekker Roads is now. en
dc.description.abstract Bespreking van 'n artikel in 'n Pretoria News van 1988. Dit vergelyk ou en nuwe foto's van die terrein waar die Wawielsirkel voorheen was. Kunstande van 1889 word genoem, en verdere terugvoer oor Leo Weinthal word gegee. af
dc.description.abstract Discussion of an article from a Pretoria News of 1988, which compares old and new photographs of the site where the Wagon Wheel circle used to be. Dentures of 1889 are mentioned, and further feedback on Leo Weinthal is given. en
dc.description.librarian ai2014
dc.format.extent 3 pages en
dc.format.medium PDF en
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en
dc.rights Complies with rights as specified by the Collection Administrator en
dc.subject Wawielsirkel af
dc.subject Wagon Wheel circle en
dc.subject Kunstande af
dc.subject Weinthal, Leo en
dc.subject Drukkuns en_US
dc.subject Padontwikkeling af
dc.subject Road development en
dc.subject.lcsh Pretoria (South Africa) -- History en
dc.subject.lcsh Roads -- South Africa -- Pretoria -- Design and construction -- History en
dc.subject.lcsh Dentures -- South Africa -- Pretoria -- History en
dc.subject.lcsh Printing -- South Africa -- Pretoria -- History en
dc.title Pretoria nuusbrief, 2013.09 af
dc.title.alternative Newsletter on Pretoria, 2013.09 [translated from Afrikaans] en
dc.type Image en
dc.type Text en

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