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Leadership (84)
UCTD (81)
Management (6)
Church (4)
Communication (4)
Development (4)
Identity (4)
Qualitative research (4)
Leierskap (3)
Mentoring (3)
Mixed methods research (3)
SDG-03: Good health and well-being (3)
SDG-10: Reduced inequalities (3)
Servant leadership (3)
Theology theses SDG-03 (3)
Achievement (2)
Attitudes (2)
Burnout (2)
Change (2)
Conflict (2)
Culture (2)
Innovation (2)
Missio Dei (2)
Mission (2)
Missional (2)
Nursing staff (2)
Pastoral care (2)
Philosophy (2)
Power (2)
Practical theology (2)
Productivity (2)
Programme (2)
School improvement (2)
School principals (2)
SDG-04: Quality education (2)
SDG-08: Decent work and economic growth (2)
SDG-16: Peace, justice and strong institutions (2)
Strategic planning (2)
Teaching and learning (2)
Theology theses SDG-10 (2)
Theology theses SDG-16 (2)
Transformation (2)
Transformational leadership (2)
360-degree assessments (1)
360° leadership assessment and feed back (1)
Absenteeism (Labor) (1)
Adolescence (1)
African contextualisation (1)
Agents of change (1)
Aids (1)
Ambidexterity leadership theory (1)
Amerika (1)
Antagonists (1)
Antioch (1)
Apprenticeship (1)
Archetypes (1)
Ate test2 (1)
Attitude towards enterprise (1)
Authentic leadership (1)
Awareness campaigns (1)
Barriers (1)
Batho-pele principle (1)
Behaviour change (1)
Behavioural change (1)
Belief (1)
Bestuur van verandering (1)
Black economic empowerment (1)
Bosasa (1)
Botswana (1)
Building up the local church (1)
Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga, South Africa (1)
Business communication (1)
Business ethics (1)
Cassisy (1)
Challenges (1)
Change process (1)
Characteristics (1)
Charismatic church leaders (1)
Charismatic Movement in South Africa (1)
Christendom (1)
Christian (1)
Christians in managerial positions (1)
Christians in the workplace (1)
Church leaders (1)
Church shape (1)
Churches (1)
Churches in Zimbabwe (1)
Coaching (1)
College for Officer Training (1)
Community (1)
Community participatory theology (1)
Community-based participation (1)
Complexity (1)
Complexity leadership theory (1)
Conducting (1)
Conflicts (1)
Congregation building (1)
Congregational identity (1)
Consolidation and merger of corporations (1)