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UCTD (56)
blood (2)
endemism (2)
Malaria (2)
placenta (2)
South Africa (2)
Aardvark (1)
above-ground standing crop (1)
Acacia Tortilis communities (1)
activated carbon (1)
adaptions (1)
Additive uncertainty (1)
Adsorption mechanism (1)
African elephant (1)
amphibian (1)
Anti-apartheid measures (1)
Assemblage (1)
Beetle (1)
Behaviour setting theory (1)
biodiversity (1)
biodiversity savannah (1)
Biolog System (1)
Biome (1)
Bird (1)
bird (1)
Blast furnaces control (1)
Blasting control (1)
Bouprojekte (1)
Bouprojekte in Suid-Afrika (1)
Brits District (1)
bulls (1)
Bushveld complex (1)
butterfly (1)
C* algebras (1)
CAE (1)
Cattle (1)
Centre of Endemism (1)
Christian moral values (1)
chrome (1)
Circellium bacchus Fabricius (1)
City of Pretoria (1)
cladistic analysis (1)
Coleoptera (1)
Congruence (1)
Conservation (1)
conservation (1)
convective storms (1)
corpus luteum (1)
Creep resistant material (1)
crop damage (1)
Depopulation of rural areas (1)
Development (1)
Diplomatic pressure (1)
Diving and ranging behaviour (1)
downbursts (1)
Drakenberg (1)
Dullstroom basalt formation (1)
Dune forests (1)
Dung (1)
Ecological (1)
Ecosystemic thinking (1)
Ekosistemiese denke (1)
Embargoes (1)
Empowerment (1)
Environmental psychology (1)
Escarpment (1)
faecal analysis (1)
flora (1)
fluorozirconic acid solutions (1)
forage quality (1)
foraging (1)
gas chromatographic stationary phases by vapours (1)
Generic identity (1)
Genetic (1)
geology (1)
geometric morphometrics (1)
Grade 1 (1)
grass structure (1)
grassland (1)
Habitat Suitablity Index model (1)
hail kinetic energy (1)
herpetofauna (1)
Highveld (1)
horticultural application (1)
Human malaria parasite P. falciparum (1)
Hydrogen cracking (1)
impregnated textiles (1)
internal organs (1)
Iron metallurgy. (1)
konstruksietydperke op bouprojekte (1)
Kwazulu-Natal (1)
landmarks (1)
laser isotope separation (1)
Loxodonta africana (1)
Main steam pipeline repair weld (1)
mammal (1)
Maputaland (1)
Mathematics (1)
media components (1)
metendosternite (1)