Die fasilitering van optimale akademiese prestasie van die adolessent in die gesinsopvoeding (Afrikaans)

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dc.contributor.advisor Pretorius, J.W.M.(Jacobus Willem Martinus), 1936- en
dc.contributor.postgraduate Van As, Christiaan Francois en
dc.date.accessioned 2013-09-07T18:26:53Z
dc.date.available 2005-12-13 en
dc.date.available 2013-09-07T18:26:53Z
dc.date.created 2002-04-01 en
dc.date.issued 2006-12-13 en
dc.date.submitted 2005-12-09 en
dc.description Dissertation (PhD (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. en
dc.description.abstract AFRIKAANS: Die doel van die onderhawige studie is tweeledig van aard, te wete om ondersoek in te stel na die wyse waarop die onderskeie opvoedingsgedragspatrone van ouers die prestasieverwante belewinge, gedraginge en persoonlikheidseienskappe van die adolessent beïnvloed, asook om ondersoek in te stel na die wyse waarop hierdie prestasieverwante adolessent-veranderlikes op hulle beurt 'n invloed op die akademiese prestasie van die adolessent uitoefen. 'n Teoretiese ondersoek met toeligtende empiriese navorsing het aan die lig gebring dat daar kousale verbande bestaan tussen ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag en die akademiese prestasie van die adolessent. 'n Aantal opvoedingsmodelle is ondersoek en die volgende ouerlike opvoedings-gedragspatrone is geïdentifiseer as basisvorme van die opvoeding: warm opvoeding, koue opvoeding, dominante opvoeding, toegeeflike opvoeding, demokratiese opvoeding, outokratiese opvoeding, betrokke opvoeding en onverskillige opvoeding. Daar is gefokus op die konsep adolessent-veranderlikes as uitkomsveranderlikes met betrekking tot die onderskeie opvoedingsgedragspatrone van ouers, en belewinge, gedraginge en persoonlikheidseienskappe is uitgelig as prestasie¬verwante adolessent-veranderlikes. In hierdie studie word ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag beskou as 'n faktor wat die akademiese prestasie van die adolessent beïnvloed. Dit is egter nie die enigste faktor wat 'n invloed uitoefen op die akademiese prestasie van die adolessent nie en daarom is ook verwys na ander faktorgroepe wat werksaam is by prestasieverwante adolessent-veranderlikes, te wete biologiese faktore, kulturele faktore, sosiale leerervaringe en situasiefaktore. By 'n ontleding en deurskouing van elk van die basisvorme van die opvoeding is telkens gepoog om kousale verbande tussen 'n bepaalde ouerlike opvoedings¬gedragspatroon en prestasieverwante adolessent-veranderlikes aan te toon, asook om kousale verbande tussen prestasieverwante adolessent-veranderlikes en die akademiese prestasie van die adolessent aan te toon. Die emplrlese ondersoek, 'n kwalitatiewe verkenning aan die hand van eksemplariese gevallestudies, het die bevindinge van die teoretiese ondersoek toegelig. Uit die ondersoek blyk dit dat ouers wat 'n gunstige opvoedingstyl verwerklik die adolessent se belewinge, gedraginge en persoonlikheidseienskappe positief beïnvloed en dat hierdie gunstige prestasieverwante adolessent-veranderlikes die adolessent tot optimale selfaktualisering ten opsigte van akademiese prestasie predisponeer. Ouerlike opvoedingsgedrag werk hier prestasiebevorderend. Wanneer ouers egter 'n ongunstige opvoedingstyl verwerklik, beïnvloed dit die adolessent se belewinge, gedraginge en persoonlikheidseienskappe negatief en hierdie ongunstige prestasieverwante adolessent-veranderlikes werk prestasie¬belemmerend en predisponeer die adolessent tot onderaktualisering ten opsigte van akademiese prestasie. Die sentrale teoretiese stelling van die studie word dus geverifieer, naamlik dat die opvoedingsgedrag van die ouer In kragtige en betekenisvolle invloed uitoefen op prestasieverwante belewinge, gedraginge en persoonlikheidseienskappe van die adolessent, en dat hierdie prestasieverwante adolessent-veranderlikes op hulle beurt op betekenisvolle wyse ‘n invloed op die akademiese prestasie van die adolessent uitoefen. ENGLISH: The purpose of this study is twofold, namely to investigate the manner in which the various child-rearing behaviour patterns of parents influence the achievement-related lived-experiences, behaviours and personality characteristics of the adolescent, and to investigate the way in which these achievement-related adolescent variables impact on the academic achievement of the adolescent. A theory-based investigation, supported by elucidatory empirical research, brought to light the fact that causal relationships exist between parental child-rearing behaviour and the academic achievement of the adolescent. A number of child-rearing models were investigated and the following parental child-rearing behaviour patterns were identified as basic forms of parenting: warm parenting, cold parenting, dominant parenting, permissive parenting, tolerant parenting, intolerant parenting, involved parenting and indifferent parenting. The author focused on the concept of adolescent variables as outcome variables with regard to the various parental child-rearing behaviour patterns and identified lived-experiences, behaviours and personality characteristics as achievement-related adolescent variables. In this study parental child-rearing behaviour is regarded as a factor that influences the academic achievement of the adolescent. However, it is not the only factor that exercises an influence with regard to the academic achievement of the adolescent and therefore reference was also made to other groups of factors which exercise an influence with regard to achievement-related adolescent variables, namely biological factors, cultural factors, social learning experiences and situational factors. By investigating and analysing each of the basic forms of parenting, the researcher endeavoured in each case to indicate causal relationships between a particular parental child-rearing behaviour pattern and achievement-related adolescent variables, as well as causal relationships between achievement-related adolescent variables and the academic achievement of the adolescent. The empirical investigation, a qualitative exploration based on a selection of case studies, elucidated the results of the theory-based study. From the investigation it is evident that when parents realise a favourable child-rearing style, it has a positive impact on the adolescent's lived-experiences, behaviours and personality characteristics and that these favourable achievement-related adolescent variables predispose the adolescent toward optimal self-actualisation with regard to academic achievement. In this case, parental child-rearing behaviour promotes achievement. However, when parents realise an unfavourable child-rearing style, it impacts negatively on the adolescent's lived-experiences, behaviours and personality characteristics and these adverse achievement-related adolescent variables impair achievement and predispose the adolescent toward under-actualisation with regard to academic achievement. The central theoretical statement of this study has therefore been verified, namely that the child-rearing behaviour of parents impacts powerfully and significantly on the achievement-related lived-experiences, behaviour and personality characteristics of the adolescent, and that, in turn, these achievement-related adolescent variables impact significantly on the academic achievement of the adolescent. en
dc.description.availability unrestricted en
dc.description.department Educational Psychology en
dc.identifier.citation Van As, CF 2001, Die fasilitering van optimale akademiese prestasie van die adolessent in die gesinsopvoeding, PhD thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://hdl.handle.net/2263/30262 > en
dc.identifier.other H661/ag en
dc.identifier.upetdurl http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-12092005-141452/ en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/30262
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher University of Pretoria en_ZA
dc.rights © 2001, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. en
dc.subject Parent and teenager en
dc.subject Academic achievement en
dc.subject UCTD en_US
dc.title Die fasilitering van optimale akademiese prestasie van die adolessent in die gesinsopvoeding (Afrikaans) en
dc.type Dissertation en

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